Hello All

on 3/5/12 1:00 am
I haven't posted a new topic in a long while, i am more of a lurker...lol.  However thought i would give you all an update on my fairly uneventfull preg.  All has been going well with te exception of gaining weight.  i never thought how hard that part was going to be emotionally and how easy it is to put back on.  I did start back up with my Zumba classes about 2wks ago because the weight was creeping up too fast.  I will admit i had gotten very lazy as this preg i have been very tired.  I check FHT's prob 2-3 times a week at work just for fun, esp. after a long hard day of work puts a smile back on that face.  Also even with the ok from my OB i was a little nervous starting back with Zumba after not doing for 3 months.  Was afraid it would hurt my little bug, but i think he kinda likes it.  Whos knows mabe he will come out dancing....lol.  In 15days i go for my 20wk ultrasound and will hopefully get a peak between the leggers.  He is begining to get quite squirmy in there and am feels more movement and actually look preg not looking like i am getting fatter....wow.  The kiddos are growing more excited everyday about the new addition.  My son of course is determined its a boy.  Guess we will find out soon.  Well hope you all have a great monday.

on 3/5/12 1:33 am
Good for you for getting back into your exercise routine.  I am struggling with it right now too.  This exhaustion and the lack of nice weather has me off schedule.  But I have to get myself in gear.  
Hope you get a good looksy at your 20 wk. appt.  =) 
on 3/5/12 8:40 am - Halsey, OR
It's good to hear that things are going well. I hope the Zumba keeps going well. I stopped doing Zumba in the first trimester and now am so outta shape that there is no way I could do it.
Hopefully you'll get to find out if the baby is a boy or girl soon!!
Tami   "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13
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on 3/5/12 2:37 pm - Laßnitzhöhe, Austria
Hooray to you for exercising!  I wish I could find some motivation again.... I'm in the 39th week and tired and can't find the energy to do the walking I know I should! 

Hope the US goes well and that the pregnancy continues to go smoothly!!!

Best wishes!
on 3/5/12 9:53 pm
I tell ya it's all i can do at times to drag my booty into class after working and tending to the kiddos.  But it is a nice time for myself and i usually feel better afterwards.  I also can drag my daughter along who's 7 and let her get her groove on as well. 
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