I believe I've lost my mucus plug!
Friday morning I went to my high risk Dr. because he wanted to recheck amniotic fluid since it was low on Tues. It was unchanged and lil man looked good. My BP reading was high so they called my OB and sent me over to his office to be checked. They took my BP again when I got there and it had gone down some. Midwife checked me again, still 3cm and thinning and I have a yeast infection from the antibiotics I'm taking for a sinus infection! My OB wants me to go in Sunday for a NST and will probably be admitting me and I've been put on strict bed rest. He really wants to give my body the chance to go into labor on it's own and doesn't want to rush into induction because it can be harder for some and lead to more complications but he also doesn't want my BP to continue to get worse. It's been higher than normal but not extremely high.
Today I believe I lost my mucus plug. When I wiped a large purple/red glob came out. I've been having increased tightening and contractions since. Hoping it happens soon! Either way I'll be going in tomorrow for the NST if not sooner!
Today I believe I lost my mucus plug. When I wiped a large purple/red glob came out. I've been having increased tightening and contractions since. Hoping it happens soon! Either way I'll be going in tomorrow for the NST if not sooner!
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com

I'm 38 weeks 3 days now. Sat here for hours timing contractions, trying to determine real or not. All the info I've read, heard has said if xyz is happening then you're in active labor. All these things start happening, 3-5 min apart(4 in 10 min.), stronger, more painful, extreme pressure, things like moving, walking, talking are increasingly difficult....all happening! So I wait and watch the clock and all signs point to go, so DH takes me in. I'm contracting but no progress, ketones in my urine so they say the reason the contractions are so intense and happening like they are is because I'm dehydrated!
Im frustrated because I'm looking at all the indications and all the signs are there but nothing!! Ok so if everything that's supposed to be telling me I'm in labor isn't then how am I supposed to know when it is? The only sure way to know when I'm actually in labor is my water breaks which doesn't always happen! So they give me vistaril to calm down the contractions and I'm still on bed rest and trying o drink as much as I can! NST happened tonight while I was there. He's fine, keeps running from the monitors. I go in Tues. to both drs so we'll see what's next! I'm wondering if my body is just not responding like it should or if I'm feeling them more intensely because of the sensitivity to pain and how I feel it. I thought I'd be more progressed by now but still 2-3 cm 70%
I know everyone's different in how they experience labor and birth, but I'm seeing that all the books, pamphlets and classes that give you a general idea of what it's like are not useful! Lol cause according to everything I've read and learned what I'm experiencing is what they call active labor but it's not! Makes me feel like its all in my head! He can't stay in there forever so it's got to happen soon, lol
Im frustrated because I'm looking at all the indications and all the signs are there but nothing!! Ok so if everything that's supposed to be telling me I'm in labor isn't then how am I supposed to know when it is? The only sure way to know when I'm actually in labor is my water breaks which doesn't always happen! So they give me vistaril to calm down the contractions and I'm still on bed rest and trying o drink as much as I can! NST happened tonight while I was there. He's fine, keeps running from the monitors. I go in Tues. to both drs so we'll see what's next! I'm wondering if my body is just not responding like it should or if I'm feeling them more intensely because of the sensitivity to pain and how I feel it. I thought I'd be more progressed by now but still 2-3 cm 70%
I know everyone's different in how they experience labor and birth, but I'm seeing that all the books, pamphlets and classes that give you a general idea of what it's like are not useful! Lol cause according to everything I've read and learned what I'm experiencing is what they call active labor but it's not! Makes me feel like its all in my head! He can't stay in there forever so it's got to happen soon, lol
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com

I sooo understand your frustration ! I had something similar when I was pregnant with my daughter right around 38 weeks too. Hang in there and be patient with yourself. You were right, they were contraction.... but they were right in that dehydration alone can do it, and they weren't BH, but not real labor either.... Soooooo aggravating! I'm glad the NST was favorable... hopefully, you'll get some indication of what's going on. Have they scheduled induction?
Take a deep breath.... things will happen as they should. And if you have any question or concern go on back to the ER!
Best to you! It's almost over!!!
Take a deep breath.... things will happen as they should. And if you have any question or concern go on back to the ER!
Best to you! It's almost over!!!
Thank you! I have my appointments with both Drs tomorrow so they'll check everything again and discuss what they want to do. Because I'm high risk they won't let me go past 40.
All day yesterday I had the mucusy bloody show so I'm hoping it's my body responding the way it should and real labor's not far off!
All day yesterday I had the mucusy bloody show so I'm hoping it's my body responding the way it should and real labor's not far off!
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com

I hope he decides to come soon! and believe me, dehydration will for sure bring on regular painful contractions, but they are NOTHING compared to labor pain and they will not dilate or thin you out. I had this happen twice with Elliot. once those contractions intensify by 20, then you're in active labor. good luck momma!
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...september 17, 2007...

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...september 17, 2007...