Progesterone Injections from week 16-36
My OB is having me get weekly progesterone injections until I am 36 weeks. I am now 17 weeks. He says it's because of my past history because my membranes ruptured with my son at 22 weeks gestation back in 1998. I wasn't put on any injections with my daughter who I gave birth to in January 2011.? My water broke naturally at 38 weeks with her. Has anyone here had these injections? He says that the injections will be sent to my home and that when they come in the OB nurse will either show me or a family member how to give them. I'm kind of nervous. She also said that she would do them for me if I came into the office once a week, however my OB office is over an hour trip away one way. I'm not complaining about getting injections and I will do anything to prevent pre term labor, I'm just wondering why all of the sudden it's a problem? Is there any known side effects? Thanks Ladies.
Not sure about during this stage of pregnancy, but I did these for 10 weeks after IVF. As for side effects, basically the same as being pregnant ie: sore breasts, bloating, mild cramping feeling, emotional. If it is the progesterone in oil, it comes in a thick liquid that requires a large needle and needs to go into a big muscles, such as your buttocks. I found that if I iced before and then heat after, it wasn't that big of a deal. I actually gave myself the shots. If you do it yourself or have someone else do it, don't go slow! Hold it like a dart and get it right in or it does hurt. Good luck!

I get them I started them at 16 weeks and will get them tell 36 weeks as well.Side effects for me the only thing I dont like is they sting for few hours after thats about all got them with twins and no effects for them as well.Mine are sent here to my home but I have a home nurse that comes in and does them because Im on bed rest.Its a thick shot have to go slow with them my husband was going to do them last time but I said no after getting first one the stuff was so thick.
I had them for 12 wks w/my IVF (all through 1st trimester.) It's a long needle shot in the muscle above the butt. My DW administered them nightly for the first 6 weeks and then weekly for 6 more weeks. it just helps the uterus lining do what it needs to do - thicken up and hold on to the precious one. I didn't have any side effects other than the normal 1st trimester fun. Oh... and after a while, the muscles where DW shot it into me were sore a lot. It was a loooong needle that went directly into my muscle. So soreness is expected.
Good luck and really... it's just a little pain and discomfort and what it helps to bring you is a healthy baby!
Good luck and really... it's just a little pain and discomfort and what it helps to bring you is a healthy baby!