waiting is killing me
i took a pregnany test today but it was negative. thats ok its still a bit early. and hey i haven't gotten my period yet. i go in on monday for a blood test to see if i'm pregnant. this has been the slowest 2 ww of my life.
i did everything i could.
-the doc says the cycle after a misscarriage is your most fertile cycle.
-i took clomid
-i got an hcg shot
-i had sex on the peak day of ovulation
-AND i've been taking pregesterone for over a week
what more could i possibly do? if i don't get pregnant this cycle then it truly was not meant to be. because there's no other explanation. and i won't blame myself because there's nothing more i could have done. will it be devastating? yes. will i feel like i can't even get pregnant with all the help in the world? probably. but i'm just gonna relax and go back to trying the old way and if it happens it happens.
because i'm not going through this every month. its expensive and it makes the days crawl by.
but fingers crossed that there's a bun in this oven. i'm so ready to be pregnant. my husband is sooo ready as well.
i did everything i could.
-the doc says the cycle after a misscarriage is your most fertile cycle.
-i took clomid
-i got an hcg shot
-i had sex on the peak day of ovulation
-AND i've been taking pregesterone for over a week
what more could i possibly do? if i don't get pregnant this cycle then it truly was not meant to be. because there's no other explanation. and i won't blame myself because there's nothing more i could have done. will it be devastating? yes. will i feel like i can't even get pregnant with all the help in the world? probably. but i'm just gonna relax and go back to trying the old way and if it happens it happens.
because i'm not going through this every month. its expensive and it makes the days crawl by.
but fingers crossed that there's a bun in this oven. i'm so ready to be pregnant. my husband is sooo ready as well.
Hey Meli... here's a fun fact that they don't tell you... You will not get AF when you are on progesterone! So you dont have to worry about getting that beast this weekend. Try to lay off the hpt's this week. Just get the blood test on Monday and get the factual results. Remember, there can always be false negatives on hpts, but not on blood tests. So enjoy not having AF and keep taking that progesterone!
Rootin' for ya, girlie!
Rootin' for ya, girlie!

Yeah... during one of my clomid cycles, I was a few days late w/AF but the damn hpt's still came up neg. So i went in for a blood test (had to pay $125 for it!) And then when I was walking out of the office, the nurse said "oh, you're still on the progesterone? yeah... that's why you aren't getting AF!" I was pissed that I had to shell out $125 to hear that gem and then to get the phone call a couple hours later confirming that I'm not pg. Much better to know ahead of time... no AF w/Progesterone. Just chillax and get the blood test. And oh you betcha the waiting game sux butt big time! It really helps with the emotional roller coaster ride from hell! OY!
I have been thinking about you a lot hoping you get that positive test on Monday. I know you and I starting try around the same time and it took me awhile, but finally got it and you will too. Don't give up you will get there. The cramping is also a sign of being preggers so keeping those fingers crossed and send those prayers in your direction.