Weird Question-- Somebody Please Help!
TMI: But I had RNY on July 12, 2011 and from then out I've had a regular period until October when I had the mirena put in and it made me bleed horribly for over 2 months so I had my OB take it out, after he took it out on November 25th I bled until November 27th and then didn't have a period in December or January so far. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests before my period should have come but they were negative, but yet my friend is MIA! I'm kind of confused because like when my boyfriend and I mess around I spot but don't get a period. I'm wondering is it something weird in our bodies post surgery that would make us not have a period? Or better yet is there something weird with our hormones that would let us be pregnant but not show up on a urine pregnancy test?
If you're pregnant, it will show up on the pg tests within a few days. Bigger point here... the mirena screwed your cycles up. Don't worry. Plus it sounds like before your WLS, your cycles were irregular. It can take a few months for your body to regulate. And on top of that, you had the mirena changing things up for you. I wouldn't worry about it. AND... for precautions sake... you might want to get some condoms just in case?? Also, might want to call your OB who took the mirena out and talk to them about it. Every person is different - especially when we were recently not too healthy.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Wow! Color me surprised! But congrats none the less. Make sure u call ur barinsurgeon to let him know ur pg. They may want to monitor your vite levels a bit closer than usual. The baby takes all of whatbit needs first, nutritionally, and then we're left with whatever is left. Don't worry about continuing to lose weight during the first few months of ur pregnancy. At your stage (recent post op) that's normal.
Good luck to you and I wish u the very best.
Good luck to you and I wish u the very best.