US Yesterday...
I had my 8w2d US yesterday... it went perfecdtly! My LO is growing a lot and perfectly measured at 8w2d. We saw Lil Button Nose Baby move around a bit and it's HB is btwn 130-140. Fert doc was very pleased w/everything. He did confirm that it looks like i did have 2 embryos implant at first but one was not viable. that's why my hcg #'s were so high at 4wks.
So baby is growing perfectly, momma has plenty of nausea, boobies are getting bigger (yay on that one!) and the fert doc officially released me back into the care of my gen OB. Yippeeeeeeeee! I couldn't be happier.
Oh... so I decided to "come out" on FB this morning since things look so good. I posted a couple pics of a bun in the oven. The reactions from my fb friends was awesome! I got a bunch of pings and phone calls this morning. I love my life! Doc confirmed EDD of 7/8/12.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>