Confused and Upset

on 11/13/11 3:47 am - Allegan, MI
Hi girls, This is a follow up to my last post regarding breastfeeding.  Since my last post my baby has had a very slow weight gain and since last week Friday I had to supplement his feedings with either pumped breast milk or formula.  When I went into the pediatricians this past Thursday they told me to breastfeed him for 15 minutes and then give him a supplement bottle and then pump every 3 hours (if he wants to nurse between feedings, that was fine).  Well with the supplements, he isn't demanding to be fed between the 3 hours and I find he takes around 2 ounces of formula or breast milk after each feeding.....when I only pump out about an ounce.  I'm really beginning to believe I wont ever have enough breast milk to exclusively breastfeed him and it brings me down.  I'm all over the place with my feelings.  Part of me thinks I should just bottle feed him (because he don't always latch on my breast the greatest and I don't know how much he's really he gets so sleepy on my breast).....part of me wants to continue with the breastfeeding, supplementing and pumping and then the other part of me says continue with the breastfeeding and supplementing, but stop the pumping (because it's time consuming and if it's not possible to exclusively breastfeed, then I don't see a huge point in continuing this).  On Wednesday I go to my local WIC office and will do a weigh, eat, weigh with him and this will give me a better idea what I want to do.  I was there this past Tuesday and he only got .88 ounces....which wasn't nearly enough.  I just wished I knew what to do and what was best.  This all makes me depressed and I'm sooo very envious and jealous of those ladies that can exclusively breastfeed their babies and never have a problem......sigh......

 Lilypie - (XOJP)Lilypie - (5Vrv)Lilypie - (DpEi)Lilypie - (qPOc)


on 11/13/11 5:18 am - Noblesville, IN
I am sorry you are having a hard time. I hope its good news when you do the weigh after feeding. Good luck and try not to beat yourself up if it doesn't work out. I know I cried and cried after I dried up when I had to have my gallbladder out when my son was only 5 weeks old, but I don't think he holds it against me! It will be okay!
on 11/13/11 6:31 am - Allegan, MI
Thanks for your input!  I hate feeling so depressed over it.  I know it's not the end of the world and making sure my baby is fed and healthy is the most important thing!  It's just hard to deal with!  Each baby I was hoping to exclusively breastfeed and was hoping to do it for a year and each one I had to supplement with.  Totally sucks!!!

 Lilypie - (XOJP)Lilypie - (5Vrv)Lilypie - (DpEi)Lilypie - (qPOc)


on 11/14/11 9:14 am - Canada
 I had the same thing happen with me at 3 weeks out I was SOOO upset!!! But they make it through just fine.:)
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/11 7:07 am - HI
Sorry you are having such a hard time 

I mostly pumped for my baby.  One reason being it was very difficult for me to get comfortable with him eating directly from my breast due to my breast being so large and well (TMI) saggy.  The other reason was I had to return back to work when he was 6 weeks old.  You are right pumping is very time consuming, but it was important for me to do it, so I did.  He is now 6 months old and I am starting to wean him off .

Anyway, back to you.  You need to do what is best for the baby.  If he is not getting what he needs from you, then you need to supplement while you get your supply up (if that is what you decide to do)

Unfortunately, not everyone is successful at breastfeeding and it's not their (your) fault. 

So doing what is best for you, you are essentially doing what is best for your son because there are other areas of importance to him as well like you emotional well being..

Good luck and be OK with what you decide to do

on 11/13/11 11:48 pm - Allegan, MI
Thanks for your input!  I plan to continue what I'm doing (breastfeeding, supplementing and pumping****il I see the lactation consultant at the WIC office on Wednesday.  I hope to have some better direction and ideas at that appointment as they've been helpful so far!

 Lilypie - (XOJP)Lilypie - (5Vrv)Lilypie - (DpEi)Lilypie - (qPOc)


Lianne C.
on 11/13/11 7:13 am - Garden City, MI
I don't know if it helps, but you do not extract nearly as much milk when you pump as you do when the baby nurses. I found that in the beginning we had an issue where the baby was not latching deep enough, I saw a lactation consultant and she helped a LOT. I also would feed 15-20 minutes on each side.
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
on 11/14/11 12:00 am - Allegan, MI
Yeah, I'm aware the pump don't extract as much as the baby!  When I told the nurse at the pediatricans office that I was breastfeeding him for around a half hour, she said he wasn't being effective enough and wanted me to limit it to 15 minutes and then offer a bottle and then pump every 3 hours.  She said it shouldn't take the baby that long to eat.  I'm not sure if I agee, but he pretty much wont nurse anymore after the 1st letdown when I try to go back and relatch him the 2nd time.  Then he will drink 1-2 ounces from the bottle and then most times I'm able to pump around an ounce out.  We will see what the lactation consultant at the WIC office has to say when I go on Wednesday.  This will also tell me how much he's getting from me!

 Lilypie - (XOJP)Lilypie - (5Vrv)Lilypie - (DpEi)Lilypie - (qPOc)


(deactivated member)
on 11/13/11 7:17 am - HI
 Here is some advice I got:

"Remember, the more milk you want, the more you feed or pump. so 2-3 hour intervals are what is expected. The fenugreek, by itself, will not permanently increase you supply. It is very dose related. Increase it to 3 caps, 3 times a day and add the increased frequency of breast stimulation(that does mean nights too) You will probably see an increase within a few days to a week"
on 11/14/11 12:03 am - Allegan, MI
Thats pretty much what I'm doing now......but I could try nursing him every 2 hours during the day and 3 at night.  I will see what the lactation consultant has to say on Wednesday.

 Lilypie - (XOJP)Lilypie - (5Vrv)Lilypie - (DpEi)Lilypie - (qPOc)


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