Embryos didn't stick
Hi Sandy. I am very knowledgeable on infertility and IVF related stuff. Your embryos had to have been on day 2 and although they look for 4 cell to be ideal, 2 and 3 cells can be successful. They normally only grow embryos out if there are a bunch to choose from (find the best looking ones), and in your case they didn't have a bunch to choose from. So, they put them back giving them the best shot at success. Overseas, some countries ONLY do 2 day transfers.
Having said that, let me tell you a bit about my experience. My first IVF yielded 7 eggs, 4 mature, but only 1 fertilized (didn't do ICSI). That 1 was put back on day 2 as a grade 1 beautiful 4 cell. Still, I was devastated. But, that bugger tried to stick for a bit (ended up becoming my 6th loss since 2007).
Second try at IVF got converted to an IUI because we tried antagonist instead of long lupron and I had 3 follicles that went ape **** and got so far ahead of the others, it wasn't worth it.
Third IVF, we went back to long lupron. We added in menopur to help mature the eggs, but more importantly we did some natural priming with DHEA starting about a month before the cycle. Then, I took dexamethasone to help suppress any immune issues (and studies now find it helps eggs) while stimming and up until 9 weeks pregnant. We got 11 eggs, 10 were mature, and 8 fertilized. On day 3, all but 1 were 8 cell grades 1 and 2. We put back 3, got pregnant with twins, one of which I lost between 10 - 11 weeks. But, I am still pregnant (22 weeks today) and all seems to be well. I also have 4 "snowbabies." All this, and I was advanced maternal age at 36...so pretty good results for my age.
I am not telling you this to give you hope, because as a long time infertile, well...I know that **** doesn't cut it;) But, perhaps to let you know that sometimes the first IVF ends up being a science experiment that can be adjusted for better results. AND, there are some things you can do and take like DHEA (don't take this if you are PCOS), dexamethasone, and blood thinners such as heparin or lovenox that really can help you achieve success (absolutely consult your RE on all these, but are WIDELY used by the top clinics). Also, bring up menopur if it was not part of your original protocol.
Lastly, shop around if you go to do IVF again. From getting meds "underground" to clinics that are more budget friendly, you should be able to get the cost down. IVF at my clinic is $5900 without meds or ICSI, and they have pretty good stats. All told would be less than $10K for most (thankfully my husband's insurance covered ours).
Good luck.
Having said that, let me tell you a bit about my experience. My first IVF yielded 7 eggs, 4 mature, but only 1 fertilized (didn't do ICSI). That 1 was put back on day 2 as a grade 1 beautiful 4 cell. Still, I was devastated. But, that bugger tried to stick for a bit (ended up becoming my 6th loss since 2007).
Second try at IVF got converted to an IUI because we tried antagonist instead of long lupron and I had 3 follicles that went ape **** and got so far ahead of the others, it wasn't worth it.
Third IVF, we went back to long lupron. We added in menopur to help mature the eggs, but more importantly we did some natural priming with DHEA starting about a month before the cycle. Then, I took dexamethasone to help suppress any immune issues (and studies now find it helps eggs) while stimming and up until 9 weeks pregnant. We got 11 eggs, 10 were mature, and 8 fertilized. On day 3, all but 1 were 8 cell grades 1 and 2. We put back 3, got pregnant with twins, one of which I lost between 10 - 11 weeks. But, I am still pregnant (22 weeks today) and all seems to be well. I also have 4 "snowbabies." All this, and I was advanced maternal age at 36...so pretty good results for my age.
I am not telling you this to give you hope, because as a long time infertile, well...I know that **** doesn't cut it;) But, perhaps to let you know that sometimes the first IVF ends up being a science experiment that can be adjusted for better results. AND, there are some things you can do and take like DHEA (don't take this if you are PCOS), dexamethasone, and blood thinners such as heparin or lovenox that really can help you achieve success (absolutely consult your RE on all these, but are WIDELY used by the top clinics). Also, bring up menopur if it was not part of your original protocol.
Lastly, shop around if you go to do IVF again. From getting meds "underground" to clinics that are more budget friendly, you should be able to get the cost down. IVF at my clinic is $5900 without meds or ICSI, and they have pretty good stats. All told would be less than $10K for most (thankfully my husband's insurance covered ours).
Good luck.
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!
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Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

thanks everyone,, and thanks Ann for all that info... gives me hope.. My story is i'm a late bloomer,, got married at 33 to the love of my life,, (next month i'll be 36). Didn't even know i had endometriosis till this summer... Anyway, i'm guessing that's what's screwing with my fertility.. (also it's interesting you mentioned steroids to protect against rejection,, i'll have to look into that cause i did a little research on endometriosis and it said we might be higher at attacking things with our immune system,,,,interesting) so for about the last 18 months, i've tried natural (i always ovulate). i've tried femara and chlomid, and IUI.. and for this IVF i used follistim, menopur, another morning shot (forgot the name) then the HCG shot... got 13 eggs (7 retrieved cause my left ovary is stuck behind my uterus, and was hard to get to).. 6 mature eggs got ICSI.. only 2 made it,, and yep, my doc seemed pleased with their cell division on morning of day 2 (they probably would have just kept dividing till day 3, but like i said, she went ahead and put them in cause they were my survivors),,, I actually live in VA and am going to the Jones Institute which is very highly recognized and well known ( i believe they were actually the first to do IVF successfully in America all those years ago).. I've been told about 40% of infertile couples walk away with babies.. other clinics may have higher percentages but Jones institute takes on the difficult cases and advanced maternal ages while some clinics turn them away so their "statistics" look better. It does stink to loose the embies as well as our savings, but like you said Ann,, i'm going to look at it positive like, what did we learn, and what will we do different next time,, i think down the road (since my insurance doesn't pay for it - what insurance does your husband have anyway) We will try one more cycle,, then see if the embies make it (i don't know if it's something with mine and my husbands "chemistry" or not,, if not, we're open to adoption (it's been in my heart since i was a little girl anyways), or even embryo adoption :) so i could be pregnant with my adopted children (sounds cool too :)
I work in a NICU with premies, i've been a missionary to India doing midwifery,, God really let's me get my baby fixes in,, so i can be strong in the meantime,, but i sure would like to have little ones of my own (and the laughter of babies) around my house :)
I was actually just talking to a coworker and she is pregnant with twin boys who should be arriving in december,, she was with this clinic too. I Know everyones story is personalized but it helps to learn from others :)
so that's where we are right now,, thanks everybody.. sandy
I work in a NICU with premies, i've been a missionary to India doing midwifery,, God really let's me get my baby fixes in,, so i can be strong in the meantime,, but i sure would like to have little ones of my own (and the laughter of babies) around my house :)
I was actually just talking to a coworker and she is pregnant with twin boys who should be arriving in december,, she was with this clinic too. I Know everyones story is personalized but it helps to learn from others :)
so that's where we are right now,, thanks everybody.. sandy
Like you, I ovulate with no problem. And, even though my husband's morph was just a tiny bit low, it shouldn't have held us back because of his count and motility. So, I was unexplained for nearly 5 years. Still am, really. BUT, apparently steroids and blood thinners were my trick. They are for several people, but not all. They are a "can't hurt" type of addition to your protocol. There are so many autoimmune issues women can have they don't even have names for...and it just give an additional boost.
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!
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Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

Hi Ann-
I have a totally ignorant question...- since you now know what protocol to follow as far as possible immune issues, ie steroids and blood thinners, is it possible that in the future that since there are no other known etiologies of why you had trouble initially, can you take the same regimine and conceive on your own?
I'm 39 and have a 10month old. I visited the RE when we talked about conceiving. Just the little bit of testing that I went through and all the terms were mind boggling. I think the whole thing is very fascinating, During the process I read up on the conception process, life truly is a miracle! It's amazing that any of us are here.
Good luck on your next 18 weeks!
I have a totally ignorant question...- since you now know what protocol to follow as far as possible immune issues, ie steroids and blood thinners, is it possible that in the future that since there are no other known etiologies of why you had trouble initially, can you take the same regimine and conceive on your own?
I'm 39 and have a 10month old. I visited the RE when we talked about conceiving. Just the little bit of testing that I went through and all the terms were mind boggling. I think the whole thing is very fascinating, During the process I read up on the conception process, life truly is a miracle! It's amazing that any of us are here.
Good luck on your next 18 weeks!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
I'm so sorry to hear about your BFN. I know exactly how devastating it can be. I finally got pregnant on my 5th IVF cycle. So I know just how much it hurts.
Ann had some great information. Something I wanted to suggest is asking your RE about Human Growth Hormone injections (HGH). You take them when you start stimming. It can be pricey, but it's suspose to help with egg quality. I did it with this last cycle, and it's recommended for woman considered AMA.
I've been through a lot, and have tried most everything.
Take some time to take care of yourself and feel better. Big hugs.
I'm so sorry to hear about your BFN. I know exactly how devastating it can be. I finally got pregnant on my 5th IVF cycle. So I know just how much it hurts.
Ann had some great information. Something I wanted to suggest is asking your RE about Human Growth Hormone injections (HGH). You take them when you start stimming. It can be pricey, but it's suspose to help with egg quality. I did it with this last cycle, and it's recommended for woman considered AMA.
I've been through a lot, and have tried most everything.
Take some time to take care of yourself and feel better. Big hugs.
After 5+ years and 5 IVF cycles we finally got our miracle BFP!!!
thanks Naybird... i am writing down my questions and suggestions for my doc as we have an appointment this mon to go over the process, i'll write down HGH as a question too.. what's women with AMA (all i can think that this means is against medical advice).. just curious,, and wow, you are not a quitter for sure! 5 cycles! you go girl! Congrats on it finally working!
AMA = advanced maternal age;) We who are 35 or over. You know, the ones that way back when were considered too ancient to have babies (insert eye roll)....
Ask about DHEA, too;)
Ask about DHEA, too;)
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!
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- 12/07
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- 11/10
- 2/11
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

my Fertilitydoc said she's gonna start me on DHEA when she starts me on birthcontrol, before my next IVF, she didn't want me to be on it a full 3 months though, she said there are side effects like high cholesterol etc. that i don't need to mess with . she said the women on it for longer usually have premature ovarian aging,, and i don't have that, but since 3 of my embryos degenerated and 2 didn't implant, it shouldn't hurt to improve egg and embryo quality.. i asked about steroid, hgh, heparin, and she said i don't need that stuff for my history... thank you all so much for your suggestions so i could go into my follow up appt. with more knowledge,, i feel good about that DHEA :) sandy
yep, DHEA is already on my list of questions, and thanks for mentioning it... i've been researching it just now, and wow, looks like good stuff (except acne - which i could deal with for a while)... I might start soon, as hopefully, with tax return maybe we can try again,, so that would give me a good 3 to 4 months on it.. i read something about micronized form being better? know anything about that? and also i'm guessing it's over the counter ,,, do you know if it's like at the Vitamin Shoppe or something and is it affordable (probably compared to the other IVF drugs,, ha :)