Help- Semen Analysis??? Calling all experts
**UPDATE- motility is 53%**
So here's my question- what can he do/take that will increase his amount of sperm?
I know that Chanel had her husband take:
L-Carnitine (most important!!!) 6 times a day
Vitamin C- 1x a day
Vitamin E-1x a day
Selenium- 1x a day
Zinc- 1x a day
Multivitamin- 1x a day
Any other suggestions? Any help would be appriecated. Thanks!
But let me tell you.... IVF is a HUGE undertaking. If your insurance covers it then you should be good. If not, it can easily run upwards of $20k per cycle! And the emotional and physical wear and tear on your body is like nothing I've ever experienced before. I would definitely suggest trying to get DH's sperm count up by working w/the repro urologist. Big fat bummer that your appt isn't for 7 weeks.
Big hugs and love coming your way. btw... if you're on facebook... i use the same email addy on fb that I sent you that calendar from. :-)
I am hoping that Chanel's vitamin regimin can help out and increase the numbers- since it only takes one to get pg. I do want to get some answers as to the cause of DH's ED and low counts- so waiting the 7 weeks is what we are going to have to do. The doc did say that IVF may be the option for us but we have to see what the urologist says. My crappy insurance doesn't cover IVF (weird thing is I work for a hospital that provides the service but our ****ty insurance doesn't cover it!!)- so we will be out of pocket for IVF if that's what it comes down to.
wow.. that sux about your insurance. ironic that you work for the hospital that does them yet its not covered for employees. Most insurance policies do not cover IVF. Although more and more technology companies have added IVF into their covered procedures for employees. Keeps them happy and around longer. I'm grateful mine was covered. So yeah if you can get DH's count up then maybe your RE would give you the green light for fert drugs and IUI which would be covered under your insurance (or at least it better be!)
My OB always had my hubby taking same prenatal vitamins I was taking to and told him to drop weight he said 5 to 10 pound drop would make a difference.We tried for six years and nothing then we both had our surgery's and well it worked......Ob says weight lose and vitamins for both work wonders.
I will be praying for you!