My birth story and pics!
Well here's my story with pics! I had my 40 week doc appt at 11:15am and was checked. She said I was 3-3.5 dilated and she could feel the bag of water right there. We talked about possible induction and having a NST for the following week, but she felt confident I would go before then. After leaving her office I started having mild contractions and continued with my day. I went and had blood drawn due to headaches I was having and then an ultrasound to check fluid and the growth of baby (measured 8lbs). Then my mom, 3yr old and I went and had lunch at Arby's where I continued to have regular mild contractions. I told my mom I thought I would have him that night due to the constant contractions and started preparing for child care for my other 3 children. Around 3:15pm, I was back home and already had my bag packed ready to go to the hospital. I called my midwife and told her about the contractions and she told me to head to the hospital. I waited for my hubby to come home for work and my friend to show up to take care of my kids and we left for the hospital around 4pm. When we arrived to the hospital and I got into a room where they monitor your process, they said I was dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced (this was around 5-5:30pm). They then moved me to a L&D room. After doing some walking and sitting in the jacuzzi tub, my midwife checked me and I was dilated to a 5 (this was around 7:30-7:45pm). My contractions were becoming closer and closer together and she suggested I do some more walking or sit in the rocking chair....which I decided to do both. Around 8:15-8:30pm, the contractions were coming right on top of each other and I asked for my midwife to come to the room. The nurse came in and asked if I wanted to be checked and said I was an which time they had my midwife come in and break my bag of water. After a couple more contractions it was time to push. With my 2nd contraction of pushing the baby came out gushing my bag of my midwife a shower to her face in which all we could do was laugh! He's was born at 8:43pm, weighing 7lbs 6oz and 19.5 inches long (my smallest baby by 4oz's). Here are a couple of pics starting with my 40 week belly shot (taken that morning).
on 10/28/11 2:05 am - HI