Yesterday I went for an ultrasound to check the baby's position and it is definitely head down. I've been having LOTS of braxton hicks every night and they've started to get quite painful. I guess they're doing something because when the doctor checked me today, I'm 3cm. I'm hoping this is not just a tease, and that my body is actually getting ready to do this for real. I'm not sure I could handle another three weeks of "is this it?". My first was born at 41 weeks and I'm afraid to get excited about ANY symptoms shy of my water breaking or seeing a head. I'm all set to try for a VBAC as long as I go into labor on my own before my due date, so I'm really hoping it will be soon! I feel like these 3 cm are a freebie because it took me about 30 hours of strong, regular contractions to get to 3 last time! Anyway, fingers crossed!