Blood Glucose Test Substitute
Hello Ladies
Im an oldtimer but I have not been on here for a while. I did come back briefly about month or so ago and reintroduce myself. Wel, I am know 20 weeks and my doc has prescribe I do my glucose test. Its not the regular glucose drink done as you know most of us would dump from that. Sure wish I could. LOL I had to come out of pocket almost 100 dollars to buy a glocose machine, lancents and strips to monitor my glocose for the next 7 days. the strips was the killer- 80 bucks. Anyway I had to do what I had to do. I sure hate having to stick myself 4 times a day. 1. first thing in the morning after fastiing, 2 hours after 2. breakfast, 3. lunch & 4.dinner. Today was my first day I will let you all know the results after the 7 days.
Oh yea at 18 weeks I found out Im having a girl! They will confirm again at 21 weeks but they sure it is a girl. so they say.
So far it looks like my numbers are on the lower end of the normal range I think. Yesterday was 84-70-91-78 and this am was 74. So far the baby size is on target with the norm. The price I paid was with the insurance. The strips would have been like 150/160 and I paid 80. The oter stuff was inexpensive.
on 10/22/11 10:14 pm - Woodbridge, VA
In any case, sounds like your numbers are ina good place. During pregnancy, it's okay to be on the lower end of the range (my last fasting glucose tested at the lab was 60) because your body is making more blood than normal, so everything is sort of more "diluted" due to the increased volume of blood. I know for normal labs (non-pregnant), the goal is for fasting levels to be below 100, but I've seen many women with gestational be told that their fastings should be below 90.
Congrats on the girl! I'm 2 days shy of 18 weeks today and am hoping to find out the sex at my anatomy scan scheduled for 11/11 :) My husband had a dream the other night that we had a boy, though, so...