I went to my normal OB and the ultrasound went wonderfully today. It was clear and the baby was moving around. I saw little arms and legs. Heartbeat was 176. I am measuring a full week ahead of what it would be if we went by my last period. That would make since because I got symptoms early and the positive test showed before my period was due too. I had gained weight since having my last baby so I am quite overweight again, which totally sucks, so they did a glucose test as well as all the regular prenatal blood tests. I just hope everything goes smooth and I don't have any complications.
I don't know...I had an ultrasound at 10 weeks 5 days, and the heartbeat was 182 and my ob nurse said if I had to beat money I would say boy. and I said why? She said when the heartbeat is that high at that many weeks--it is boy. I said well, I guess, we shall see! At my 20 week ultrasound, she was right!!! We saw the goods, and my little boy is now 2!