
CD 20 and still no ovulation!

on 9/30/11 9:01 am - Miami, FL
 Whats going on?? freaking out here.

I've been off the pill since July. i have ovulated and menstruated on time for 2 months. i got checked out in august and my RE said i was doing great. my body was working just fine! what happened?!!? yeah maybe ovulation was pregressively getting one day later and AF was coming one day earlier. but this?? never this.

now, i would be lying if there wasn't a part of me that was hoping i was pregnant. but it just doesn't seem likely. i've only had sex 2 times this cycle. i had acupuncture twice. but my first visit to the acupuncturist was 6 days after i had sex. so i doubt that really did anything. and we didn't do it again until this monday. which was the night of my 2nd acupuncture treatment.  but still. is it the chinese herbs she gave me that are messing with my cycle? i can't be pregnant because i have no symptoms! the only thing i have is that my nipples are a little sensitive. this is what it feels like before my surge. then they get super sore and can't be touched. this has happened to me consistently for the past 2 months. i know what ovulation feels like. i was on time for 2 months. why is it diff now? what changed?? i keep hoping ok maybe i'm close and i'll surge tomorrow. i've been testing ALL week and all week the same thing. no light line, no line at all! this is frustrating. especially since i'm supposed to get my period next friday.

i just, i don't know what to think. wouldn't i feel SOMETHING if i were pregnant? with my luck i just know my period will come right on time. wouldn't that just be the **** end of the stick.

for now i'm skeptical and cautiously optimistic. preparing for the worst.


** August *.
on 9/30/11 12:02 pm, edited 9/30/11 1:14 am - Newmarket, Canada
Wow, there seems to be alot going on and it is stressing you out. I was wondering (I decided to do it myself) what if you just have sex every other day and let your body do its thing. I have heard when we get stressed out, our bodies can do strange things. I always hear people saying that when they just let mother nature do her thing, and focus on having fun in the bed room that this is when it happens!

I totally understand easier said then done! Just a thought, and I could be very wrong!

EDITED: Really bad spelling, and I am sure there is more..sorry its late at night

All my best in your journey!

on 9/30/11 12:18 pm - Miami, FL
 i know you're only being helpful and i appreciate it and pleeease don't take this personal but if one more person tells me to relax i'm gonna scream. lol

i have been relaxing. this whole cycle. which is why i didn't have sex much. because not stressing it means not forcing sex.  you're sending conflicting messages by telling me to have sex every other day and not stress it. bc having sex every other day is work. lol. i think its kind of unfair that people make me feel like if i want a baby i won't get one. i have to not want it or not care or not worry about it. which is total bs by the way.

i'm sorry to vent but it irks me in the way that it did when ppl would say to me "have you ever thought of losing weight?" uuugggghhhh. so not helpful. know what i mean? i'm just sick of hearing the same thing over and over. i'm even biting off my family and friends' heads when they say it.

i know you're just trying to be helpful. but ugh. lol


** August *.
on 9/30/11 1:01 pm, edited 9/30/11 1:15 am - Newmarket, Canada
I feel bad for you, if I could I would snap my fingers and make it happen for you! You seem like a lovely person and I can see how hearing to relax all the time can be very ANNOYING and **** off.

I was not trying to upset you, but just offer a suggestion of what I am doing to help with TTC. I tend to become obessive and just focus on concieving, and sometimes need to step back and focus on something else. But contuine on plan with having lots of fun and amazing sex and I have come to terms that it will happen when it happens.

I did not mean in anyway to make it seem that if you wanted you would not get one- if I did I appologize.

Sorry to have upset you, and I wish you all the best with getting your BFP.


All my best in your journey!

on 9/30/11 1:15 pm - Miami, FL
 you didn't upset me.  i just had to vent. i'm glad you didn't take it personally and get mad. whew! i just had to get it out and unfortunately you were the person on the receiving end. sorry! but i was just putting it out there into the universe.

and honestly i have done that, focused on other things. LOTS of other things. i'm not obsessing about it as much as you would imagine. just here in this one post. i just tested every morning this week. but didn't spend all day every day obsessing over it. it just got to this point where now i'm concerned. 

you never stop wanting to get pregnant. and saying "it'll happen when it happens" is a lot easier in the begining of the cycle. i was saying the same thing. but now that i'm getting mixed signals i'm starting to think about it more.
i guess with the acupuncture and the chinese herbs i expected something. i mean, ovulation isn't a lot to ask for. especially since i've done it successfully the passed 2 months.  

its just very frustrating to hear ppl say to not obsess and i'm not obsessing. haven't been at all till this one day. its like, if i slip and have a moment of human weakness i've messed up the whole thing.

on the plus side 2 ppl suggested a book about fetility to me so i bought it today. hopefully that will shed some light on whats going on with my body. and maybe it can help me in my journey TTC.

sorry if these posts come off as *****y or defensive. i'm a little sensitive and frustrated. but i know you're only trying to be nice and helpful. thank you, really. 


on 9/30/11 6:49 pm - Laßnitzhöhe, Austria

I feel your frustration!  Have been there myself.

Hang in there and good things will come!!

on 10/1/11 3:16 am - Miami, FL
 thank you! nice to know i'm not crazy. lol


on 9/30/11 10:30 pm - weston, FL
sometimes that lh surge may be REALLY short.. like 12 hours and if your only testing every 24 hours at that point you may miss it... if it doesnt happen this cycle, when your getting close next cycle try testing around 10 am and 5 or 6 pm.. your more likley to surge in the afternoon/evening hours for some reason.. good luck...
on 10/1/11 3:17 am - Miami, FL
 i didn't know that. i thought to myself...did i miss it? but i never got the full symptoms so i thought i couldn't have.  thats very helpful though, i appreciate that! i will try that! thank you!


on 10/1/11 6:58 am, edited 9/30/11 6:59 pm - Douglassville, PA
Meli- Believe me I understnad your frustration! I know that when I am around mid-cycle I OPK test 2 times a day, once mid-afternoon and once early evening, just so I don't miss any surge. It is possible that you missed it.

PS- my AF is 2 days late and still BFN.....

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