I had a heavy gush of blood today and prior have has spotting and have had spotting with all my pregnancy's but a gush of blood scares me.Called Ob he had me come in listen for heartbeat it was 179.Did a sonogram seen heartbeat and seen the little bean moving around.He also checked me and my cervix and said everything was fine and looked good.He also said with I have a strong little baby growing not to worry.
He checked my placenta and said it looked fine.Also this early out it can look like anyone has it.He looked at everything even my cervix and he said look nice and long which is a plus for me because my cervix was short at this time with my last pregnancy.With my son I spotted and with the girls I did this but had a polyp that was causing it he said I could have one and hes just not seeing it.If Monday Im still having issues I will go see my specialist and see if he can see anything.