5 Months Pregnant Worried
Ok So I am 2 1/2 years out. Have had My tummy tuck and everything. I am now 25 weeks (around 5 Months) pregnant. I am not showing at all and when I went to the specialist the baby girl was measuring small. I go back the end of October to get checked by the specialist again. Close people I know who have had gastric bypas have all had to have their babies TAKEN at like 30-34 weeks. Their babies werent growing due to malabsortion issues.... It is messing with my head because I am not showing AT ALL. I am still wearing my clothes I had before nothing has changed. I gained about 5lbs or so but nothing like other "normal" ladies about as far along as me. They have these baby bumps and everyone jokes around and says I am just not pregnant I am faking but I'm worried and scared I guess looking for reassurance. My OBGYN stays in touch with specialist and I missed my bariatric appointment and have had time or money to drive all the way to his appointment. Has anyone else not shown and then had a healthy normal baby?? My son I had before surgery and he was taken early by like 5 weeks due to complications and him needing surgery the day after birth. That was hard enough I would hate to think that because I was trying to be healthy I caused problems for this one. My nerves are shot and hormones have me crying from being scared all the time. Thanks for you guys time.
if it makes you feel any better, while i was looking into getting a tummy tuck before TTC i read a lot of women saying that they didn't show bc of the tummy tuck. thats why i decided to wait till after childbirth because i really wanted to show. so just so you know, you don't have to jump to the worst case scenario. its very common for women who get tummy tucks to not show much during pregnancy.
I can understand your worry, but I was 6 1/2 months before I started to show, at 5 month I was asked by the ER doctor if I was sure I was pregnant, I was like, hell ya I'm sure cause she is kicking the crap out of me right now!!!!
I know you would really like to show but you know how babies are, they do things in their own time.
My daughter is now 4 months, she was born one day shy of her due date and she weighed 6lbs 1 oz, I was only 6 months post op when I became pregnant, which was a huge surprise, let me tell you!!!
Anyways I am sure your baby will grow and you will show in time, but the main thing is to take care of yourself and not to stress too much, Wishing you all the best!!!!
I know you would really like to show but you know how babies are, they do things in their own time.
My daughter is now 4 months, she was born one day shy of her due date and she weighed 6lbs 1 oz, I was only 6 months post op when I became pregnant, which was a huge surprise, let me tell you!!!
Anyways I am sure your baby will grow and you will show in time, but the main thing is to take care of yourself and not to stress too much, Wishing you all the best!!!!
I didn't have a tummy tuck and I carry most of my remaining weight in my belly/panni but I was literally 38 weeks at work and multiple people didn't know I was pregnant. They seemed very shocked when I gave then a funny look and said I am beig induced next week. Those who did notice I was pregnant only thought I was maybe 5 months. It was very frustrating.
I know it is very hard to remain calm but stress will not help out for you and the baby. I know others who measured small and big and then next visit the baby evened out. I hope we help ease some of your fears.
I know it is very hard to remain calm but stress will not help out for you and the baby. I know others who measured small and big and then next visit the baby evened out. I hope we help ease some of your fears.

HW:260+ SW: 248 Pre-Preg 180 Post-Preg Starting Wt: 225 Current PP wt: 195 GW: 170ish.
I never showed until 36weeks. I only gained around 8lbs in the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Eliana was born 38weeks and 4 days at 6lbs 6 oz and measured in the 25th percentile right through out my pregnancy. Ellie is still at the 25th percentile my smallest baby ever but I think that just might be her. You might have a little dainty lady in there.
Best wishes
I never showed until 36weeks. I only gained around 8lbs in the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Eliana was born 38weeks and 4 days at 6lbs 6 oz and measured in the 25th percentile right through out my pregnancy. Ellie is still at the 25th percentile my smallest baby ever but I think that just might be her. You might have a little dainty lady in there.

Best wishes
I strongly feel your not showing yet is because of the tummy tuck! Also, most of the women on this board went to full-term with their babies (37+) weeks.....I think the few people you know that had to have their babies TAKEN early probably had other things going on besides malabsortion. I have read woman who have had weight loss surgery are prone to have smaller babies......but this wasn't the case with my last son (he was born 8 days early and weighed 8lbs 5.5oz) and I have yet to find out if this one will be normal size (for me)......as of my last few ultrasounds, he's been measuring on the smaller side....so we shall see. I think you should try to relax and not worry to much about it.....if your getting the correct care (which sounds like you are) and getting regular ultra sounds....things will be monitored and they will let you know if there is anything to worry about. As many other woman stated here, they took longer to show and I don't know if you seen that show I didn't know I was pregnant.....but there have been woman that never showed, gained no weight (or very little) and didn't even feel their baby move and they delivered healthy full-term babies. Some woman just don't show much and it depends on how the baby is positioned inside of you.....but like I said earlier.....I think it's mostly to do with your tummy tuck! Best wishes!
I lost a lot from my RNY and actually went underweight for awhile and I'm about 27.5 mos post-op and 31 weeks pregnant. I started showing at about 8 weeks (seriously) and I'm gaining a normal amount of weight like a non-RNY patient (21 lb or so at 31 wks). The OB says the baby's normal size- he may be a bit small/average, but he isn't stunted or anything like that. He'll probably be a 6-7 lber instead of a 8 lber, that's all.
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3