Sooooooooo Hungry
I am breastfeeding Ellie and getting soooooo hungry at times. I gather this is normal since it is meant to take more to breastfeed a baby than to grow one.
For other Mums that have breastfeed, did you just eat whatever thinking this is what your body needs or pull the reins in abit and watch what you were/are eating.
Many thanks
I am breastfeeding Ellie and getting soooooo hungry at times. I gather this is normal since it is meant to take more to breastfeed a baby than to grow one.
For other Mums that have breastfeed, did you just eat whatever thinking this is what your body needs or pull the reins in abit and watch what you were/are eating.
Many thanks
I am also breastfeeding and have been for the past three and a half months, I am not as strict with what I eat, I still fallow the guide lines but I do allow my self some wiggle room.
If I am craving something like salt I will allow my self to have it but in smaller amounts, I feel my body is telling me I need it rather than myself saying I just want it. It's kind of a different feeling.
I also eat smaller meals more often throughout the day, But I also checked with my dietitcian and she agreed that this was O.K.
Good Luck to you !!
If I am craving something like salt I will allow my self to have it but in smaller amounts, I feel my body is telling me I need it rather than myself saying I just want it. It's kind of a different feeling.
I also eat smaller meals more often throughout the day, But I also checked with my dietitcian and she agreed that this was O.K.
Good Luck to you !!
I breastfed my first daughter for 9 months (pre wls). I've never been so hungry before in my life! While I was pregnant I could eat whatever and didn't gain much weight. I lost all of my baby weight by the time she was 2 weeks old. I got lulled into the false security of burning more while breasfeeding than while pregnant... next thing I knew I had gained 20 lbs. I'm not saying to cut calories, your body definitely does need it, just be careful about food choices and be mindful about your eating. Good luck!
Thanks ladies ^_ ^
I know some of my foods aren't good choices and go through my tummy fast so then I look for more food. There has just been some days where nothing I ate seemed to touch the sides and I kept looking for more food. I'm still below my pre-pregnancy weight (not by much) & not really counting what I eat just trying to choose more filling foods. I was never this hungry while pregnant and only gained 8-10lbs in the last 2-3weeks.
I'm more than happy to eat whatever to make sure Ellie has and gets what she needs ( abit to happy, I think) but I'm trying to be careful not to fall into a false sense of security and think that I can eat whatever I want and it will all be good or think I'm eating enough when really I'm not. KWIM.
Many thanks
Thanks ladies ^_ ^
I know some of my foods aren't good choices and go through my tummy fast so then I look for more food. There has just been some days where nothing I ate seemed to touch the sides and I kept looking for more food. I'm still below my pre-pregnancy weight (not by much) & not really counting what I eat just trying to choose more filling foods. I was never this hungry while pregnant and only gained 8-10lbs in the last 2-3weeks.
I'm more than happy to eat whatever to make sure Ellie has and gets what she needs ( abit to happy, I think) but I'm trying to be careful not to fall into a false sense of security and think that I can eat whatever I want and it will all be good or think I'm eating enough when really I'm not. KWIM.
Many thanks