Sad News
I am so sorry for your loss. I can not even imagine what you are going through right now. Cord complications are so rare, but people forget they can happen at anytime to anyone. There was and is nothing you can do to prevent them my Doc has to remind me this all the time as I had a child who's cord was in a knot and around her neck twice. She was very close to not being here and I can't even fathom the idea.
I hope in time you can come to know there was nothing you or anyone else could have done to even have know about this. Pregnancy is one of those things that is in the hands of a higher power that is, and sometimes we just have to trust to let go and know that there is some type of reason - fair or
Not for everything.
Hang in there- if yoy need to talk PM me
I hope in time you can come to know there was nothing you or anyone else could have done to even have know about this. Pregnancy is one of those things that is in the hands of a higher power that is, and sometimes we just have to trust to let go and know that there is some type of reason - fair or
Not for everything.
Hang in there- if yoy need to talk PM me