Interesting and painful cpl of days
So...for those of you that need your gall bladder out, do it before you get pregnant or wayyyy after you have a c section lol. I went in wednesday night (literally 3 weeks from my c section) and they said i had a stone that travelled into my bile duct and I was admitted right away for surgery. Well they chose to do an open incision instead of lap. due to the fact that they couldnt access the bile duct through the less painful way :( So here I sit now with a 7 inch vertical incision, staples, 2 drains and still not healed from a c section. WOW. I knew it would have to come out but so soon. I feel so beat up and emotionally screwed. I am a mess. I was away from my baby, that broke my heart. I dont have the strength to barely hold her and I cant breast feed i can pump. Its messing me up big time. Husband is helping....sorta...I cant talk to him without him saying shove your hormones up your ass....not really supportive there huh. Ugh is all I have to say. I need to find a way to cope I guess and it's not through him.
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Thanks for listening :)
I wish we lived by each other. =( i would totally help you out, even if it meant that i had to hold the baby for you to BF. thats the type of person i am. Also its very hard to be away from the baby. Hell, I have 4 and im glad when they are gone or i get away, but within the hour im missin them like crazy. If he is really stubborn and doesnt understand, maybe have a "grandma" or someone like that explain to him how it is for you. Have a friend come over to hang out, tell them something like, i will let you come "pinch the baby" but can you help me first? Broke my heart reading this because I know exactly how you feel. Is there perhaps a "nurse" that you can find to come and help? Not sure exactly where your from, but here in Iowa, we can call the public health nurse and she sets up for "nurses" or "caregivers" to come and help in anyway they can. Clean, help with the baby, YOU etc...Perhaps a doula or a midwife can give you some direction to help... BIG OL FREAKIN HUG!!!
thanks so much. we do have those public health nurses here but are a bit limited with what they do. I do have his mom here for a few days then my mom to help with house stuff aswell. I think i'm going to get some counselling or maybe just lay it on my best bud...that is what they're there for. As for him getting advice from people? its in one ear and out the other. dont know if he hears any of it but he better start listening soon cause its gonna cause some troubles :(
thanks for listening :)
thanks for listening :)
just remember boys/men are stupid, thats why we threw rocks at em when we were younger. =P you dont need counseling hon, you need a drink! AND the best bud to lay do have an excuse to be upset/angry/hurt/confused/happy/ just had a baby. SO what if your "hormonal", we dont have those feelings unless there is a reason. After having Q, i was on high alert for ANYTHING to go wrong etc...change in tone of a simple sentence i was all over it, Q's douchbag of a dad way he would word things etc i was on high alert. THATS WHILE we were in NICU. One day, it all hit. 17hrs after he was born life flighted 2.5hrs to a NICU that could handle him, 17hrs after i gave birth and was in NO condition to travel, i did. etc...week after while in his room, i got so overwhelmed tears were just falling down my face and i didnt even know it. HIS nurse noticed it, told me to lay down and thing i know the NICU social worker came in and held me as i cried and she even stayed while i slept. what was douche bag doing? *****ing because there was no tv in his room to watch and he was bored. THEN gripin at me for being a big baby...sorry got me dont get it. one of those things we have to get use too...believe me, i wanted to kick his head in a few times...THAT wasnt the hormones either. Just remember to, it gets better by the end of the week you will feel totally different. i promise. Oh, and get a few good cries in there, they are a world of help.
I'm sorry you're going through all of this! Some men just don't get the reasons behind our emotions and they aren't sure how to deal with it or fix it. I hope you can get some support from some friends! I'm keeping you in my thoughts! Hope you recover well and can get back to holding and loving your lil one!
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
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