Wondering about other's experiences when baby droppes...
I woke up yesterday and the baby has dropped... With my daughter I never dropped and was induced 11 days after her due date.... The doc. took the twins by c-section at 37w5d, and I never dropped with them. I am 35w1d and I have this feeling I am going in the next week or so... The gallbladder surgery at 31w and all my sttress and pain I have been through the past month I think is taking it's toll on me to be honest. Just wondering about everyone elses experiences when their baby dropped. How long after did you go into labor. I know everyone is different. I never went into labor on my own before... hmm
Sorry about all the stress and the surgery! Of course it is taking a toll on you. All of my babies dropped. My daughter dropped just a few days before I was induced with her- She had intrauterine growth restriction so they induced at 39 weeks. I also had twins next, and they dropped at 30 weeks, and I went naturally into labor with them at 36 weeks, so I had dropped for a while. I think it just varies. It is a good sign though! Probably means that things are happening. I think the dropping helps get the cervix dilating. Good luck and let us know!