Hello again:)
I hung out a bit around here over a year ago when we were ttc. I sort of gave up hope after a while, but we kept trying. We started down the iui/ivf track and met with the infertility doc on 6/9, well they should have down a preg test there because turns out I was pregnant:) I'm 7 weeks along, though it's been a rough deal. First they thought it was ectopic, now we found the little one in my uterus but I have lots of cramping so they don't want us to get our hopes up. I'm going to think positive till I have reason not to. I've had 3 weeks of bloodwork and 3 ultrasounds so far and everything looks good so I can't wait to welcome our little one in the end of Feb.
Is anyone else due about that time? Just wondering what people are going through. I'm already pretty miserable with morning sickness, and the cramps don't help either. Just truely threw up for the first time today and that hurt like heck. Nothing like when I eat too much. UGH... my doc gave me anti-naseau but I haven't taken them yet, guess I may have to start!
Hope everyone is doing well!
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com