Tracking Ovulation
I started tracking from the get go. Go to it gives you lessons on how to track and what other signs to look for to know when you are ovulating. You will need a basal body thermometer (can get it at any drug store); be sure to take your temp each day about the same time of the day and before you get out of bed. Activity will alter you temp. After a few months of tracking, I realized I wasn't ovulating which made it much easier when I went back to my MD. Good luck!!
Yup... i'm with Leslie. I use to track my BBT. Get a Basal body thermometer from the drug store and take your temp 1st thing as soon as you wake up every morning... same time every morning. I did this for about 4 months before we started TTC to get a good trend for my ovulation and the whole cycle. And then track it all on fertilityfriend. My fert doc LOVES that site cuz it lets us track every ovulation indicator into a nifty graph. Good luck!