So I am expecting
If worrying will give you answers..then worry. If it won't do anything but stress you out, pray about it and let it go. Maybe it'd help if you talked to the dr and asked him/her what the results really mean, what the chances of there being a problem versus nothing to worry what you can to find out what you will likely bring peace of mind to you. More than anything though...just rejoice in that heartbeat w/every u/s...and every little flutter and kick that you're feeling...and accept them as a sign that things are OK. One day at a time...that's about all you can do. For your sanity's sake...I hope the time flies. I know you seem to have a pretty busy schedule...but maybe consider starting a new hobby to keep your hands and your mind busy...even if it's something as simple as doing puzzles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, cake decorating...SOMETHING that requires you concentrate on it rather than concentrating on worrying and imagining every possible disaster that could be happening with your little girl.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Find that hobby and put your mind to work in your down time too. Maybe even volunteer work a few days a month - whether at a soup kitchen, delivering meals to elderly/sick people, or taking elderly people grocery shopping, visiting them in nursing homes, volunteering at an animal shelter...something like that plus the hobby...your little girl will be here before you know it.
Is it possible to plan a long weekend somewhere, just you and DH? Maybe something fun to do would help him through the mourning for his mom and be relaxing for you. Doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, just a decent hotel in an interesting town with a scenic drive to get there.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled

Worry is normal. You're being a mom. Best wishes to you!!!!!!!!