Individual Journies
Just because there is 5 posts in a few days about a "silly" or not as important (to the reader's mind) topic doesn't mean that poster isn't worthy of our support as well. When someone whines about hitting 200lbs again.. I will whine and commiserate along with them. And when someone says they are scaried and their babies are in trouble.. I will hug and support them as well. Let's try to make this board open to everyone. If something really does bother you.. you dont have to reply..or do and give another way to look at things. But we have been good at supporting each other and I hope it doesn't change.
I have already had more trouble in this pregnancy than I ever thought I would and I’m only 15-16 wks! (Stupid EDD changes a lot lol) I have hyperemesis and am sick and nauseous pretty much all day every day, have passed out bc I get so dizzy, have low blood pressure, low potassium, and low iron, was on a PICC/nutrition line until they removed it last week, can’t drive or take a shower anymore by myself bc of my tendency to pass out at random times, etc. I’m still happy to be pregnant, but man does it suck!
And I like having a place to complain/commiserate/talk to people who understand what I’m going through, because no one in real life that I know has had a kid! Other than my mom, I have no one to talk to about all of this and it makes me feel really isolated. We’re all different with different experiences, but it’s still nice to know others out there at least kinda understand what I’m going through.
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
I’m replying to myself lol… I try really hard not to be bitter or angry about what I’ve gone through and not be too jealous of all the pregnant women who have easy pregnancies, because that wouldn’t help anything. It’s hard though. It really is. I just want so badly to be bubbly and normal and glowy and instead I look and feel like crap most days.
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3