PP weight achieved!!!
Thank you so very much. I'm not quite sure why my last post got deleted and my messages are getting deleted as well. I changed my password, so hopefully that helps and I'm not getting cyber "stalked" once again. Anywho, I am leaving tonight to make the trip to see my friend for the weekend. Hopefully, she has some good progress today with the second round of Cervadil and they're going to start the Pit. Thank you again for your kind words :)
Awesome!!! I know after the C my weight was like DEAD weight and would NOT move! It was extremely frustrating, but last night was such a good feeling. I had a rough time with not seeing it come right off, but like others told me...you didn't put it on over night, so it won't come off over night. However, 3 and a half months post partum and we're back down to "pre-preggo" me!! Have faith and it will come off girl :)
Thank you so much! It for sure is and I hope it gives people here even the smallest peice of mind that you can still get the weight off after baby arrives. Gaining was a struggle, but 37lbs have come and gone once again. Now, it's time to up the walking around here and get these extra 30 to 40 more I regained back off too :) I have inspiration now and I'm beyond ready lol