Leaking Alot!
Hi ladies. Just wondering about the boobs. I have been leaking here and there since like week 18, no biggie, but the last few days they have been leaking alot, sometimes it's clear sometimes it's white. I realize it's normal to leak, but can it be too much? i am soaking through stuff already! My poor sheets and my shirts the last cpl days. I am just wondering since i am still 6 weeks away if this is ok or??
Very normal! I started leaking around week 18 as well and by the time I was where you are in your pregnancy I was changing shirts most days because I would leak through them. Usually it was when I first woke up and because I would put a pillow under my chest to sleep on my side the pillow cases got washed quite a bit more than normal. LOL! It will get better. Use the reusable breast pads. They are easy to wash and they dry quickly so you don't have to keep buying the disposable ones. It will save you money also.