Sugar and spice and everything nice....
Is NOT what this little baby is made of........We are expecting a BOY! Everything with baby looks good and he is growing right on track! I go back in 6 weeks to check his growth and see how my placenta is healing. On the ultrasound today, they still seen some blood around the bag of water that has leaked from the tear I had in my placenta 2 weeks ago. It's something that should continue to heal and we hope by the next appointment it will be completely healed. Please pray that it will heal completely and will be gone at my next appointment. If it's not healed by then, chances are that it wont heal which could case my water to rupture prematurely.
I think its awesome we are due on the same day!!!!!!!! This is my first pregnancy and I wish I knew what to expect!!!! lol My ob told me not to be surprised if I go a few days over due but when I went for the special u/s I had to have the lady said my cervix was shorter than they would like so I guess I will see how things are when I go back. Still haven't felt the baby move but I wasn't at goal weight either when I got pregnant so I am guessing it will take me longer:( I hope things are healed for you when you go back to the doc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!