Support Groups
5'7'' SW-267, CW-155
Mom to 2 boys- age 6 & 4
TTC baby #3 since Oct. 2010
My parents adopted a little girl who is a year younger than my son (she's now 15); they got her when she was two months old. The adoption was supposed to be an open adoption, but the birth mother chose not to continue the 'open' part and has pretty much backed out of being involved in the girl's life. From what I was told of the situation (the adoption occurred after I had transferred across country), it is most likely b/c the birth mother was a 15 year old girl who wasn't ready to be a mom...and she just moved on with her life. I'm not saying that'll be the case with you...this baby will always have a huge chunk of your heart, no matter where s/he is .
I am sure this has to be the hardest decision you've ever made...and I hope you find the support you need to get you through it. I know you'll be making the couple whom you've selected to raise your baby exceedingly happy, and I pray that can bring some comfort to you.
Best wishes.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I was adopted by my birthmother's sister who couldn't have kids. So granted I am adopted it is an open adoption because I still see my birthmother(who I now call Aunt Pat). Some people think the whole situation is awkward, but I'm happy knowing where I came from. Be sure that open adoption is what all parties involved wants and what is in the best interest of the child!
It is totally normal to be sad. I would adopt in a heartbeat, but to be on the other end would be very hard. Just know what you're doing is SO great. Hope you find peace in your decision! Good luck to you!
I commend you for choosing to do adoption. That is a huge step and a very selfless act. If you decide that you want to keep your child, then that is ok too. You have to be sound in whatever choice you make. There's nothing like having a life time of longing and hurt feelings. I don't know how you feel about it but, maybe you can start a hand written journal to express your thoughts and feelings toward yourself and your baby. It may help to even think of this baby as theirs if you have made up your mind to relinquish the child to the couple that you spoke about. Best wishes to you!