Nursery pics.....
Ok so it's not done yet, but we're moving along! I still need to put in new plugs so they're white and new. And, I need to install the ceiling fan! BEST news lately is.......
WE'RE GETTING A WASHER AND DRYER ON TUESDAY!!!! It's been almost a year since ours broke!
Here are some pics....
South Wall
The vent cover is now on.....North Wall
East wall and Dodge trying to lay on his bed!
West wall. Really can't see it in this pic (stupid phone) but her name is stenciled on the wall. Obviously, some things still need to be moved and removed from the room, but it's coming together nicely!
I want to point out the new baseboard molding and the chair rail....I cut EVERY one of those perfectly the first time!!! :)
Thanks for looking!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled