As many of yall know Hazel was by no means planned out but has been a wonderfull additon to my life and I wouldn't trade her for the world. Her dad hasn't been in the picture since day one. One day he says he will do anything for her b/c he takes care of his kids. Then the next thing I know hes mad at me for something trivial and hes not speeking to me and dosent want anything to do with her b/c hes mad at me which is just childish. Well I am supposed to be going to the city were he lives this time alone the last time I went it was for my graduation. Well my question is should I let him know I'm comming down there and try and meet up with him or should I just go down their and never let him know I came into town. I would love for Hazel to have a father but you can't force someone to be there who dosent wana be there. It just realy ticks me off that he can take care of 3 kids just fine but can't take care of the 4th one b/c you are mad at me b/c I moved back to the city I was born and raised in and were I have all the support I need. Sorry the post is so long and kind of a rant. I just don't know what to do. I know I am a great single mommy, but I was raised with 2 parents until I was 12 so I just want Hazel to have 2 parents. Is that so crazzy. Any ways ladys have a great day.
Good luck and you are doing a great job. Hazel is lucky to have you
I'd guess that the reason he's 'there' for the other three kids (are they with the same woman or different women?) is b/c the mother(s) of those kids is not as independent as you are...and since you speak your mind and do what you know is right for you and your litlle girl, he doesn't know what to do with you. You have to admit it's a lot easier to deal with someone who does everything you want them to do, the way you want them to do it and when you want them to do it - without you having to argue with them. If you were a push over, I'm sure he'd be there for Hazel as much as he is for the other kids...but you'd be giving up a big part of yourself for that 'benefit.' You're better off in the long run doing as you've done - moving on with your life and taking care of you and your baby. I do think, regardless of whether he chooses to be involved w/Hazel's life, that he should pay child support...but that's a separate issue than him actually being a daddy to her.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Congrats of being a great mom, and for finishing school! Have a great weekend!
Thank you ladies for all your responses. I have allready filed for child support, but the problem is going to be getting him to actually pay it for some reason he is tottaly against it. I will give him one my chance and then I'm done trying. His two girls are by one women and his son is by another. I do know they arent independent women and arent educated either. So I do think they are easier to manipulate than I am. I have allways been strong willed and speak my mind and I think that bothers him. Once again thank you ladies.
Good for you on the child support. Once it's in the Atty Gen's hands he has to pay it. He needs to be held financially accountable for his child.
The only time I've ever seen it work out where the father didn't pay child support was with my niece. Shortly after she was born her father disappeared from her life and never paid a dime. When she was about 3 he remarried and had another child. I guess his paternal instinct kicked in or something and he decided that he'd go to court to get full custody of this child, mind you he hadn't laid eyes on her in over three years. My SIL's atty used not paying child support for those years as leverage. It was explained to him that he could have visitation rights if he paid all the back pay in child support or he could sign his rights away. (ie that taking it to court would open a can of worms he didn't want opened) He chose to sign away.
Good luck! It's never easy and no one ever really wins.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
I have to agree with Holly. I am actually going through the situation you are. I have offered it up to him he can see Q whenever he wants too. Just give me advance and will make sure we are where we need to be. Nope, he doesnt do that. instead he says what your baby daddy sperm donor has said. HE has even told his lil internet "gfriends" that he buys and pays for all of Q's diapers formula etc...NOPE he hasnt. He has gotten him 2packages of diapers. OH, and has told EVERYONE that i have not allowed to see him in a month when he went to "find himself".
As for the 2 parents? Honey there is nothing wrong with that at all. NOTHING. You will be a 2parent family someday. HE will LOVE HER just like his own. SHE will know who her "real" parent is. I grew up without my dad, he died when I was 8. I SWORE TO GOD, I wouldnt let my kids grow up without knowing their dad. THEY will make their own decisions about him when they are old enough.
Good Luck, just remember we are here for you!