10 days until Lexa tells me to Pee Pee Pee
Agh! You're killing me! lol TEN days!!! REALLY! SOOOO hope this is your cycle! Waiting on pins and needles.... good luck!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
Alexa's a: 
On the other hand, to help you with your patience virtue over the next few days....:

Hope you get a big fat BFP this month! I'd tellyou the dollar store is supposed to have cheap tests...POAS each day just to see if there's a difference in a few days!
On the other hand, to help you with your patience virtue over the next few days....:
Hope you get a big fat BFP this month! I'd tellyou the dollar store is supposed to have cheap tests...POAS each day just to see if there's a difference in a few days!
January 2008,
July 2008
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Mom to Khaled