10 days until Lexa tells me to Pee Pee Pee
LOL! Well... we're in the oh so fun 2ww. The AI's went VERY well. Our fert doc was very happy to see how huge my follicle got. Yay clomid! She also showed me how to have Jill inseminate me directly into the uterus, which we hadn't done before. Doc said that by doing IUI instead of vaginal (which we had been doing) "greatly increases our chances." So Jill was a trooper and we successfully did IUI for 3 days in a row... the last day being the big O day! Yay! Timing is great. Stress is low. Eggie was looking very good. Prayers are going. We're staying positive and grateful.
I can't wait to POAS! But I will wait... LEXA! Oh... and my folks are coming into town this weekend and staying for a week. Their last day here is the day that I'll be POAS. YAY for having Gramma & Grampa here for that!
I can't tell you all how much your love and support has helped. I truly feel this sisterhood. I tell Jill about all of your posts in support of us and she is truly touched as well.
OH... and when I get my bfp this cycle... our EDD will be Valentine's Day!
I can't wait to POAS! But I will wait... LEXA! Oh... and my folks are coming into town this weekend and staying for a week. Their last day here is the day that I'll be POAS. YAY for having Gramma & Grampa here for that!
I can't tell you all how much your love and support has helped. I truly feel this sisterhood. I tell Jill about all of your posts in support of us and she is truly touched as well.
OH... and when I get my bfp this cycle... our EDD will be Valentine's Day!

yay Maryn, we would be due date buddies if we both get preggo!! and OUCH right into ur uterus?? did that hurt?
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG! -- Check it out http://plusizedbarbie.blogspot.com/

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...