When should I POAS?
Thanks for your input.
POAS the morning (1st pee of the day) on the day you are due for your period. Good luck to you! and if for some reason you do not get that BFP on 6/2, then I suggest that you start tracking your ovulation. There are a few ways you can do that. Take your basal body temp every morning (1st thing - like alarm goes off and take ur temp) and then track your temp on www.fertilityfriend.com. Its free and totally helps. Also, you can use OPK (ovulation predictor kits) which is another kind of POAS. You can start doing that as soon as your period is over. Most women ovulate betwen days 13-17 of their cycle. But every woman is different. It REALLY helps to track your cycles when you are TTC. And don't get discouraged if it takes a few months. It usually does.
Good luck!