Had the nasty glucose drink test!
That was the grossest thing I have ever tasted in my life, I didn't want to take it but the doc was really unaware of gastric bypass, etc. I took the test, got CRAZY weak the rest of the day and GET THIS - 1 hour after the drink, my blood sugar was 51!! Is this that reaction we get from dumping, where the blood sugar plummets after it soars?
When I got home from the doc, probably an hour after it was 51, I still had no food, and almost fainted when trying to fix some cheese and crackers....
When I got home from the doc, probably an hour after it was 51, I still had no food, and almost fainted when trying to fix some cheese and crackers....
I don't get it from dumping per say because I am not a dumper, but I do get it from sugar. I get the really bad shakes and I sweat and get heat flashes. I did the glucose test and it was horrible. I had to drive home and I did not have anything to eat. To make matters worse, I had to take a detour home because the freeway was shut down. I was driving in the country and thought for sure I was going to die on the side of the road. Then I finally found a BK and got some food!
I know youve allready takien the test but you could have asked your doctor to have them draw for a fasting blood sugar then go eat a normal breakfast and then get it drawn again an hr. later this is what I did instead of doing that test. I refused to drink that stuff since I dump horably on sugar, but my doctor also had worked with a couple of bypass patients. i am sry you had such a bad reaction to the test.
Hi Brunette,
Sorry you had to go through that!
I just had my glucose test last Friday and I had to eat 23 1/2 jelly beans in 5 minutes. It seemed easy at first, but it was hard getting the last 7 or 8 down and I'm sure it will be a while before I eat another jelly bean!! LOL!
I felt the effects of the sugar slightly, however I did not dump or have any bad reations.
My doc's office called the other day to tell me that everything was fine with the test.
Sorry you had to go through that!
I just had my glucose test last Friday and I had to eat 23 1/2 jelly beans in 5 minutes. It seemed easy at first, but it was hard getting the last 7 or 8 down and I'm sure it will be a while before I eat another jelly bean!! LOL!
I felt the effects of the sugar slightly, however I did not dump or have any bad reations.
My doc's office called the other day to tell me that everything was fine with the test.
Ohh I'm sorry to hear that...my Doc just gave me the scrip for the glucola but I am going to do the fasting and then go back two hours later etc test instead because of the RNY. I think more docs and lab techs should be educated on WLS patients needs ...you should not have had to go thru that ((HUGS))!!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
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