Ok ladies, a couple of questions for those of you who have had/ are having twins.
First, when did you find out you were having twins?
Did you have any inclings before the doctor diagnosed it?
Did you have any crazy symptoms?
I ask because I'm really feeling like there might be more than one bun in this oven. Twins run in my family (my grandmother had 3 sets) so it is definitely a possibility. I've had no morning sickness (none with my first pregnancy either) but I was crazy tired for most of the first trimester. The thing that really has me questioning whether it is one or two, is how much movement I've been able to feel. I first felt movement when lying still at 12 weeks. By 14/15 weeks I could feel the baby moving a ton even when I was busy doing stuff. Today (I'm 16 weeks now) the movement was so strong that I was distracted by it during a spin class. So, I'm thinking there is either more than one baby in there, or I'm going to be in for some trouble with one VERY active baby! I go for a regular check up tomorrow and I'm hoping that once I voice my concerns he'll do an ultrasound, otherwise I'll have to wait 3 weeks for my ultrasound that is scheduled in June. The waiting might kill me! Anyway, just wondering what other's experiences have been. Thanks!
First, when did you find out you were having twins?
Did you have any inclings before the doctor diagnosed it?
Did you have any crazy symptoms?
I ask because I'm really feeling like there might be more than one bun in this oven. Twins run in my family (my grandmother had 3 sets) so it is definitely a possibility. I've had no morning sickness (none with my first pregnancy either) but I was crazy tired for most of the first trimester. The thing that really has me questioning whether it is one or two, is how much movement I've been able to feel. I first felt movement when lying still at 12 weeks. By 14/15 weeks I could feel the baby moving a ton even when I was busy doing stuff. Today (I'm 16 weeks now) the movement was so strong that I was distracted by it during a spin class. So, I'm thinking there is either more than one baby in there, or I'm going to be in for some trouble with one VERY active baby! I go for a regular check up tomorrow and I'm hoping that once I voice my concerns he'll do an ultrasound, otherwise I'll have to wait 3 weeks for my ultrasound that is scheduled in June. The waiting might kill me! Anyway, just wondering what other's experiences have been. Thanks!
I had been having dreams before I was pregnant that I would have twins. Twins and triplets are high in my family.
It was my DR who thought something was up because my numbers and prog was really high ( prog was 114 at 9dpo). I was rushed in for an u/s at 6 weeks and saw 2 sacs by a trans ab u/s and then saw 3 sacs by an internal u/s. So I found out the was triplets. At 8 weeks 2 had just stopped growing and I have one healthy little girl growing now. My first I felt movement at 15 weeks, my 2nd I felt movement 15-16 weeks, my 3rd I felt flutters at 13weeks confirmed by u/s, my 4th I felt flutters at 12weeks confirmed by u/s and this one flutters again at 12weeks confirmed by u/s.
Maybe your little one was getting a huge rush of endorphines and get him/her all worked up. Just a thought
Best wishes
I had been having dreams before I was pregnant that I would have twins. Twins and triplets are high in my family.
It was my DR who thought something was up because my numbers and prog was really high ( prog was 114 at 9dpo). I was rushed in for an u/s at 6 weeks and saw 2 sacs by a trans ab u/s and then saw 3 sacs by an internal u/s. So I found out the was triplets. At 8 weeks 2 had just stopped growing and I have one healthy little girl growing now. My first I felt movement at 15 weeks, my 2nd I felt movement 15-16 weeks, my 3rd I felt flutters at 13weeks confirmed by u/s, my 4th I felt flutters at 12weeks confirmed by u/s and this one flutters again at 12weeks confirmed by u/s.
Maybe your little one was getting a huge rush of endorphines and get him/her all worked up. Just a thought
Best wishes
My second pregnancy I had an ultrasound at 9 weeks for dating and we saw the 2 heartbeats. Unfortunately I started bleeding at 15 weeks 6 days and when they did the ultrasound they saw baby B had just stopped growing around 13 weeks. I was really sick first trimester. With my 4th pregnancy I new right away b/c I got a BFP at 9 DPO. IT WAS SOOO Bright and I think I started throwing up that day!! LOL With my 2 singleton pregnancies I was a little queazy, but never threw up. My sister carried twins full term and never was sick with everyone is different. I hope you get your ultrasound tomorrow.
With my first I have like no sickness. So when my second pregnancy came around I couldn't believe how sick I was getting. The day before my first ultra sound I ask my husband what if its twins... I knew twins ran in my family on both my mom and dads side, and even when I was a kid I always had a feeling I was gonna have twins some day... I was right I had 2 sacs in there with tiny babys measuring about 7w. It took months for it to really kick in but now my boys are almost 13months old. I believe sometimes you just know when something is different in there... But you could still have a very active baby in there my twins I felt at 11w... I am pregnant with my 4th and last child now and she is so active in there it is crazy. Idk if I helped any but I hope for the best for ya... :)
I had 2 dreams that I was having twins. At my 7.5 week appointment, I got a "viability" u/s, and made them confirm there was only one baby.
I've felt movement for over a week. The doppler I have at home (and it's a high quality, medical grade doppler) has trouble picking up a consistent HB because Sprout moves so much. At my last appointment, they couldn't get him/her to sit still during the doppler check and had to bring in the u/s machine to get a good HB reading. Luckily, for every appointment I've had, I have been able to have an ultrasound, and they've confirmed every time that I've got just one little baby in there.
I've felt movement for over a week. The doppler I have at home (and it's a high quality, medical grade doppler) has trouble picking up a consistent HB because Sprout moves so much. At my last appointment, they couldn't get him/her to sit still during the doppler check and had to bring in the u/s machine to get a good HB reading. Luckily, for every appointment I've had, I have been able to have an ultrasound, and they've confirmed every time that I've got just one little baby in there.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs
I had no idea I was having twins until my 12 wk ultrasound.
Twins do not run in my family, not that that matters, my twins are identical so genetics didn't play a factor.
I felt movement at 15 wks with my twins. 13 wks with my singleton. I had zero morning sickness with my twins. I was SICK for months with my son.
The only thing that would have given it away that I was pregnant with twin (other than an ultrasound) is that my fundal height would measure 4-6 wks farther along than I actually was.
Keep us posted! And grats on your pregnancy!
Twins do not run in my family, not that that matters, my twins are identical so genetics didn't play a factor.
I felt movement at 15 wks with my twins. 13 wks with my singleton. I had zero morning sickness with my twins. I was SICK for months with my son.
The only thing that would have given it away that I was pregnant with twin (other than an ultrasound) is that my fundal height would measure 4-6 wks farther along than I actually was.
Keep us posted! And grats on your pregnancy!
Previous pregnancies cause your body to change and allow your new baby more room. I went through this with my third. Maybe that's what's going on?.... keep us posted! I'd be dying if I had to wait a few weeks to know!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
I was pregnant with twins and at 12 weeks showing.At four weeks had an ultrasound because I was bleeding and found twins.I as well first felt movement at 12 weeks doctor told me it was to early and by 16 weeks moving like crazy.My moms mother my grandmother was a twin and so was my moms dad my grandpas sister so it runs in our family.I was sick though couldn't keep enough food in if I didn't eat I was at the toilet dry heaving.
Best wishes!
Best wishes!