Working Moms with little ones...
this is what my day looks like
wake up 5
shower 510
kids up 530
leave- 6
work 645
go home-3
get home 330-345
outside play time-4-6 ( this includes running thru sprinklers.. pool.. basketball/baseball with jayson, tag.. or a walk
bath, teeth-7
bed for kids-730
after they go to bed i clean, laundry, pick up dinner....
9- me bed
and now we are potty training and must find time for 900 toilet trips
wake up 5
shower 510
kids up 530
leave- 6
work 645
go home-3
get home 330-345
outside play time-4-6 ( this includes running thru sprinklers.. pool.. basketball/baseball with jayson, tag.. or a walk
bath, teeth-7
bed for kids-730
after they go to bed i clean, laundry, pick up dinner....
9- me bed
and now we are potty training and must find time for 900 toilet trips