My 2 year old son fell, front tooth is loose!!??
I have not posted on the site in a REALLY LONG time, but I am hoping some one out there will be able to help.
My son Aethyn is 2 1/2 (3 on Sept. 30th)-Over the weekend he fell going up the stairs and hit his mouth. He only bleed a little, but the gums are alittle red. When I went to brush his teeth that night I checked on it and it was loose. (His Right upper front tooth) Not loose like I could pull it out loose, but I could wiggle it-loose. I took him to the dentist this morning to check on it...(after we googled it over the weekend) The dentist said he would need it pulled because some of the nerve was severed. All I can think of is him with out a tooth...he is so little to have a hole. (He already has a red hemangioma on his cheek, that people ask about all the time-just seems to be one more thing to worry the way he looks and people to talk about! I already get stares that I did something to him or hurt him. People are mean and insensitive!!) I am traumatized right now. I can't get myself under control...I feel like the worst mommy in the whole world right now and I am not sure what to do. I know there is risk for infection and that is the main reason to pull it, but when we googled it, it seems to be a common thing and alot of people leave it and it tightens back up after a couple weeks. Dental insurance will not cover this, so it is going to be about $400...The cost is shocking and at a horrible time.
Anyone else have a similar situation? What would you do? Should I get a second opinion?
Thank you o much in advance! I appreciate any help sooo much!!!
My son Aethyn is 2 1/2 (3 on Sept. 30th)-Over the weekend he fell going up the stairs and hit his mouth. He only bleed a little, but the gums are alittle red. When I went to brush his teeth that night I checked on it and it was loose. (His Right upper front tooth) Not loose like I could pull it out loose, but I could wiggle it-loose. I took him to the dentist this morning to check on it...(after we googled it over the weekend) The dentist said he would need it pulled because some of the nerve was severed. All I can think of is him with out a tooth...he is so little to have a hole. (He already has a red hemangioma on his cheek, that people ask about all the time-just seems to be one more thing to worry the way he looks and people to talk about! I already get stares that I did something to him or hurt him. People are mean and insensitive!!) I am traumatized right now. I can't get myself under control...I feel like the worst mommy in the whole world right now and I am not sure what to do. I know there is risk for infection and that is the main reason to pull it, but when we googled it, it seems to be a common thing and alot of people leave it and it tightens back up after a couple weeks. Dental insurance will not cover this, so it is going to be about $400...The cost is shocking and at a horrible time.
Anyone else have a similar situation? What would you do? Should I get a second opinion?
Thank you o much in advance! I appreciate any help sooo much!!!
Becca -9/2007-10/2012 (Forever in our !)
This exact same thing happened a month ago with one of my 2 yr old toddler twins! She actually slipped on the bathroom tile and knocked both front teeth loose on the top and busted her bottom lip.
Our dentist just told us to keep an eye on her gums to make sure they didn't get more red/infected looking and that the teeth would tighten up. Sure enough, at the re-check 2 weeks later, he said her teeth are perfect.
I would get a second opinion.
Our dentist just told us to keep an eye on her gums to make sure they didn't get more red/infected looking and that the teeth would tighten up. Sure enough, at the re-check 2 weeks later, he said her teeth are perfect.
I would get a second opinion.
Thank you so much for the reply!!!! It really does mean a lot to me! I am so worried about my little boy all I can do is cry! That is what a lot of people said when we looked it up online. I want to leave it so bad, but I am so afraid that if I do it will cause him more trouble! I really am thinking I need a second opinion...I love our dentist, but I love my son more!!! So glad your daughter's teeth were OK!!!
Thanks again!!
Thanks again!!
Becca -9/2007-10/2012 (Forever in our !)
We've had 2 of our boys do this same thing. Both of them severed the nerve in the tooth and both of them had to have the tooth pulled. What we were told, is that when the nerve is severed, the tooth dies with no hope to save it. The hardest part was that they had a front tooth missing until the adult tooth grew in. We have pictures of them missing a tooth at around 2 years old. Sorry your little guy had this happen!
Thank you! That is what I am afraid of. I am not sure how much of the nerve was damaged...she said he did have some I am not sure if that means only part, or all! I didn't think to ask at the time! I really don't want to pull it, but I don't want to wait it out and have something go terribly wrong where it is going to make things worse for him.
Thank you for sharing your experience! It means a lot to get other peoples thoughts, opinions, and experiences!!
Thank you for sharing your experience! It means a lot to get other peoples thoughts, opinions, and experiences!!
Becca -9/2007-10/2012 (Forever in our !)
i dont have tooth drama... but a few months ago i was outside with my also 2 1/2 yoa and my dog... my dog is very dog aggressive and saw another dog... she charged after the other dog ( she was on a leash) and the leash gave jayson a rope burn.. on his face... not only did he get a rope burn he fell off his bike.. smashed his face on the side walk.. and busted his lip... blood everywhere... the scar is horrid... its fading but i felt guilty for months ( still do).. i guess the point is... accidents happen.. is he in pain? alot of drs offices offer "care credit"... its an interest free credit card that can only be used for medical purpose.... i just had to apply for one... jayson has a cavity and has to be sedated... also a 400 dollar dental bill!..
He does have some times...When I ask him sometimes he says it does hurt and others he says it doesn't. When he tells me it does, I am not sure if he is saying yes because yes, he did hurt it or yes it does hurt. Don't know if that makes sense. LOL!! I know it was just an accident, my hubby makes me feel guilty...because I should have been watching him better. It happens...he just doesn't handle these types of things well. He is just worried about him too. I am pretty sure that our dentist has something like "care credit"...but they give a 5% discount if you pay up front. e tend to pay up front more times then not, but $400 is still a shocker of a price tag! Thanks for the reply! It helps knowing that we are not alone, but at the same sorry any other child has/had to go through something like this! I guess it's just a part of life with kids!
Thanks again!
Thanks again!
Becca -9/2007-10/2012 (Forever in our !)
I have worked in an Endodontic practice for over 17 years and lectured to the Endodontic post grads at UMDNJ in Newark and although I am NOT A DOCTOR, I would get another opinion. The doctors in our practice would watch the tooth and see if there is any symptoms or worsening symptoms before taking out a tooth on a little one. My son fell at 18 months and hit his front tooth on the kitchen table and chipped it and actually turned what chipped off into dust. We watched it and the tooth eventually did die, but when he was almost it fell out and he had a hole there a little longer than most of his friends, but not long enough to cause any other issues. (it is possible that without a tooth there the teeth can shift unnaturally). My daughter on the other hand somehow (we don't even know when or where) must have had a trauma to her front tooth and it died when she was 3 and had to have it removed because it got an abcess. So, the moral of my story is, if he has no other symptoms except mobility at this point, perhaps you can ask the doctor to just monitor it for a while and see if it stablizes long enough for him to get a bit older. You may have to baby the tooth for a few weeks or even months, and it may not work and you might need it pulled, but I would not rush into anything. Between you and me, dentists are starving right now, because no one can afford to go to them and they are being more aggressive with treatments just to make some money.
I really wish my husband would have been able to come with me...he always knows what to ask..I have to think about it a while and talk about it, then it seems I have a million questions i should have asked. I think we may get a second opinion...just for the fact that I want to make sure we make the right decision. If more then one Dr. says yes, it needs to come out, I think we will think about that one says yes and another says no...then we have to weight the good vs the bad. If he could get by until he was 5ish, I would be happy with that. 2 just seems so young to be missing such an important tooth like that. His 2 front teeth do overlap the one that is loose is the right one which is the one under. The part about dentists being aggressive with treatments to make some money...I am really unsure if that is the case with our dentist, but yet we have to face the fact that it could be part of the reason for wanting it out quickly. I would like to think/hope that it wasn't the case, but you really never know. Thanks for the information. We are taking it all in and weighing the options!
Becca -9/2007-10/2012 (Forever in our !)
Hi there! I have no experiences with the teeth part of your post, but I wanted to say I know where you're coming from on the whole hemangioma and people asking about it all the time. My little guy have a fingernail sized heart shaped one on the top of his head. I get asked every time some one sees him what it is?? I'm curious what the doctors have said to you about this. My pediatrician has indicated that she wants to keep a close watch on it and if it grows in size he may have to have it laser removed. It scares the heck out of me. My little guy is only 3 months old and I can't imagine him going under for this reason. Thanks for any info you may have on the subject...hope you're little guy is feeling better soon and you get some answers!