My 2 year old son fell, front tooth is loose!!??
I hated/hate (although am used to it now) when people would ask "what happened"... then the shock when I said "nothing's just a birth mark"! They have told us similar to you...they said keep an eye on it until he is 3/4/5 then at that point if it doesn't go away they would do some laser treatments on it. It really has gone down a lot and I am so thankful for that. As long as it doesn't affect sight, breathing or eating, it was fine to leave alone. Just be careful if he hits it hard, it could bleed quite a bit if it opens up. Aethyns opened a little and had like a scab on it, but it healed up and it was ok. Hope your little guys goes down too...Aethyn's didn't for quite some time, but it is now. The ladies here have reassured me in the past and I hope I can reassure you too!
A few weeks old...hard to see it, but it is the tiny pink spot...that's what I thought was from my ring.
About 6 Mo. old About 8 Mo This one is about 10 months
About 18 Mo. about 2 years old
This one was taken just this March.
Hope that can ease your mind a little! Thanks for the reply!!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
I've no information/experience with the tooth issue, but would say it might be worth a 2nd opinion just to make sure it's necessary before removing the tooth. Once it's removed, you can't put it back, but getting a 2nd opinion to make sure it needs removed could give a different answer - and peace of mind that you're doing what's necessary. When you get a 2nd opinion, ask the dr the pros and cons of actually removing the tooth or not.
No matter what happens, though, know you're a good mom...and you can't bubble wrap your kids to protect them from every potential can only try to fix the 'boo-boos' as they happen and head off what you can. I'm sure your husband knows that, he's just reacting with his emotions right now, not his head.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
It really has gone down a lot. I didn't realize how big it had really got until I looked back at pictures. It used to bother me a whole bunch, but now it is something I have come to terms with and it is a lot lighter then it was. I think it is still breaking up. When you look at it up close you can see where it is changing. I would like the puffy-ness to go down a little bit more, but the Dr's said that we could laser it later. I think I have decided to leave it until he tells me he wants something done. If it never bothers him and he wants to keep it the way it is, that's fine by me. If he wants to have a little laser done, I am OK with that too.
Like you said, the 2ND opinion would be more for my peace of mind. It's not something I want to do to him, but I don't want him to have additional problems later if we leave it. At least it was his baby tooth and not an adult tooth!!
Wouldn't that be great though if we could bubble wrap them their whole life!!
I know my husband was just reacting...He doesn't handle that kind of stress well (He has a lot with work, so home gets lost in it sometimes) and I don't handle him under stress well...LOL!! We are looking at our insurance and we think we have it doesn't fall under our dental (Our dental is bundled with our health) but it would be covered under his Employee Trust Fund Medical! So that reduces some of the stress...not to come to terms with my son getting it pulled and having a hole in his smile! :) We will get through this! Thank you so much for the support! At times like this, it is very much appreciated!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
I remember you and Aethyn! So sorry this happened. My son Emad fell on our back porch and chipped the very bottom of his front tooth but still got it checked out. It is barely noticeable but I felt horrible so I can imagine how you feel. It WAS an accident though.
I like the others would get a second opinion or at least wait a week or so before rushing the decision. Depending on how bad the damage is it could heal or get better. Worse case scenario is it does not and tooth dies and falls out or has to come out. If he has no direct risk of infection to wait a week why not. Good Luck!
Thank you so much for the reply! It really does help to get others opinions and thoughts!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Fast forward 4 years later....we're still eagerly awaiting for those two front teeth to get loose and fall out.
If the teeth aren't changing colors....leave them alone!!
It is so nice to hear other peoples story. Helps put your mind at ease that you are not alone and doing the right thing.
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
I'm new to this site, hi everyone :) my son Alex (2 1/2 years old) fell at school yesterday and his bottom tooth is loose, a little loose. But there was a trace of bleeding at the gumline and it does wiggle a little. I am having the same issue, when I ask him if it hurts, he says yes, but he doesn't complain. We have an appointment to see the dentist on Thursday. I'm just curious, whatever happened with your son's tooth? Did you get a second opinion? Did the tooth have to be pulled? This is actually the second time this has happened to my little one if you can believe that, the first time was about a year ago, both times at school, the first time it happened the top tooth had to be removed because it was fractured under the gumline. I'm praying it doesn't happen this time. I can totally relate, it makes you feel like a horrible mom. I can't imagine what people will think if my son has two missing teeth and he's not even three yet!
(Also, Thankfully our insurance did end up taking care of it! Big relief!!! Not our dental, but our medical! Our dentist office was so great helping us figure all that out!!)
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our