WOW! Amelia is One today!
Wow! Where has time gone! Amelia is 1 year old today! She is about 26 pounds and about 32" tall (we'll find out on 6/6 - she has her 1 year check up then). She has 4 teeth on the bottom and one on the top, she is walking everywhere (almost running!), talking up a storm - she has at least 7-8 words, laughing and smiling all the time! She loves to be outside, smelling flowers, playing with her toys and playing guitar with Daddy. She is a great sleeper, 12 hours at night at 2 good naps during the day. Miss Amelia loves to eat - anything - she loves food. I haven't found anything yet she doesn't like. She prefers to drink water (with a little lemon if you let her! lol) over anything else. I know all parents say it but she is very smart, we can give her a command or ask her a question and she responds with a word or action. She loves telling you she is "so big", if you ask her if she's one she'll hold up a finger. Newman is her best friend and protector. He's taken to sleeping on the chair in her room next to the crib. 7663006/PictureID=400113643006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400119146006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136112006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136155006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400113643006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400119146006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136112006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136155006/a=55612006_35561483/