37 week appt
I will be 37 weeks tomorrow and had my appt today. I have been so sick with the Lapband and in the last 2 weeks have lost 6 lbs! I am dilated 1 cm, but cervix still very firm. The baby passed her non stress test and biophysical profile. They are estimating her weight at 6lbs 6 oz right now. Dr said we will talk about whether or not to induce at my appt next Wed, based off of what's going on with my body then. Personally, I'm hoping he will just let me go into labor on my own. I'm not real fond of the idea of inducing.....would love to labor at home and not stuck in a bed in the hospital for hours on end! We'll see what happens though! Hope you all are having a good week!
Because you want to try going into labor on your own, talk to your dr if he suggests inducing you. If he tells you he wants to induce, make sure that it's for a medical reason, not b/c it's convenient for scheduling or just to 'get it over with.' Inducing has it's purposes...but if there's no medical issues requiring it going on, your body will likely do things in it's own good time.
I can't believe you're almost 'done' baking! Hang in there...you can count the weeks on less than one hand now!
I can't believe you're almost 'done' baking! Hang in there...you can count the weeks on less than one hand now!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Don't be afraid to stand up for what you really want! If you're healthy and the baby is not in any danger, feel free to say you'd rather not be induced (as long as it is safe). When my first was born, I had to "fight" to go past my due date and let her come when she was ready. They wanted to induce me on Jan 6th, largely for convenience... she was not born until Jan 18th, 1 week past my due date. My daughter was born at only 6lb 3oz... I can't imagine how small she would have been 12 days earlier! The ultrasounds all measured her to be anywhere from 7 - 9 lbs, so I don't put much stock in those anymore! Listen to your doctor's advice, but make sure you're comfortable with the decision! Don't feel bullied into doing something you're not ok with!