Another Update on Candessg
Hi Folks... angel update here. Last night, Candess headed into L&D for an induction. I haven't heard anything else from her. PLEASE keep praying for her. A few days ago, her doc told her that her Vit K levels were really high so they chose to induce at 37w. Please pray for the health of Candess and little Eden and their family.
I'll update when I hear more from them.
UPDATE: I just heard from Candess. She's on her 2nd round of cervadil right now. Her cervix is still thick. The docs are hoping to progress to pitocin tonight. She's been having strong contractions but is still only 1cm dialated. Both Candess and Baby Eden are doing well right now.
I'll update when I hear more from them.
UPDATE: I just heard from Candess. She's on her 2nd round of cervadil right now. Her cervix is still thick. The docs are hoping to progress to pitocin tonight. She's been having strong contractions but is still only 1cm dialated. Both Candess and Baby Eden are doing well right now.