Have any of you??? (Possible TMI) *Long*
I was just wondering if any of you have experienced this.....
Yesterday afternoon while "working very hard" to have a BM I started getting belly cramps. When I wiped (sorry) I noticed orangish-red blood. Being that I have been suffering from constipation since my RNY and worse since my BFP I usually find myself straining to have any kind of movement and thus have noticed the occassional rectal bleeding. This time however, was definitely vaginal.
I called my OB's office right away as I've never had ANY kind of spotting before. In the hour that it took for him to call me back I made several trips back to the bathroom and there was only an extremely light amount of brownish blood. (There is still a little today as well.) I trust my doctor alot so I'm not sure why I dont feel any comfort today. After talking to me he decided that he would hold off on seeing me because of the following:
1) The bleeding was associated with the strain and "corrected itself" very quickly
2) There were NO associated contractions
3) The baby was in the middle of her daily tap-dance routine - thus, no change in her activity
The possible reason:
1) The baby is SUPER, SUPER low and is constantly pressing on my pelvic area and since the blood vessels are closer to the surface at this point any way, they are sometimes prone to small ruptures associated with strain.
He did advise me that if I started to bleed again to go directly to the ER and have them contact him. Otherwise, he will see me for my regular appointment a week from today.
Have any of you experienced anything like this? I was 17 when I had my son and I had absolutely no issues with him. With this pregnancy I am in almost constant discomfort because she is SO LOW. I have down pressure in my girly bits all the time. I'm sure that my worry only adds to the physical stress.
Thank you for letting me ramble..........
Thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone. I did speak to my doctor about adding a stool softener as well as increasing the amount of fiber I'm consuming. Hopefully the combination will help.
BTW, thank you for the compliment on the baby's name! It took us forever to find something we both liked. Our son is Christopher Michael Nathan so we wanted to stay with the 2 middle names.
Proud Mom of Brantley Alexander, 6 1/2 years old .
"CoCo" November 2009, July 2010