Colostrum/premilk question
Hey ladies. I've heard a couple different things about when you start leaking. 1 is that if you start leaking early (like i did at about 18 weeks) that you will have a healthy milk supply when the baby comes...2 was that if you start so early that you wont have enough of a supply when the baby comes, the later the better kind of deal.
So I was just wondering what everyones experiences are with this. I would really like to breast feed, and I know that I really won't know for sure until she comes, but I am curious. TIA
So I was just wondering what everyones experiences are with this. I would really like to breast feed, and I know that I really won't know for sure until she comes, but I am curious. TIA
With my first I leaked really early, with my second a few weeks early and this time not at all before. I also Breastfed all 3 with a great amount of milk for them. So I do not believe it has anything to do with how much supply you will have. I thin the leaking is mostly all hormones anyway. Not for complete sure on it though.
I don't think this has anything to do with how good your milk supply will be. With my daughter, I didn't leak at all and I breastfed her for 2 1/2 years, 1 year exclusively. I never had a problem with my supply. With this baby, I started leaking a very little bit just a couple of days ago. I think that you will be fine. Good luck!!
With my daughter I leaked a few weeks before I had her. I bf her for a year. Hoped to do it longer but i got pregnant and she stopped cold turkey. I couldn't figure out why then a week later found out i was pregnant. haha!! I had a VERY good supply over supply most of the time. I hope you are blessed with a good supply
leaking has nothing to do with supply. Key here is supply and demand. =). when your baby does come, get her to the breast quickly to help prompt your hormones to kick in to get that supply going. When she does get here, you need to up your calories to help keep up the supply too. Protein and Wheat. Lots and lots of water, stimulation. Talk to a lactation nurse/counselor that knows what to and how to handle weightloss surgery patients, We can be tricky since we have to watch what we eat etc...
Do a breastfeeding class and dont get overwhelmed. STRESS is a major factor in supply.
Do a breastfeeding class and dont get overwhelmed. STRESS is a major factor in supply.
being a first time parent i was overwhelmed with all the advice and opinions i resorted to the people i trusted the most, veteran mamas. =) Aunts, friends, moms and my dr. every once ina awhile, a stranger would suggest something and it would work...i would pass it on. I started leak at 5mos. With all of mine (4). no issues with supply other than with q. that was a tricky situation.