Saw the Fertility Doc Today!
Well... this future momma went to the fert doc today. LOVE my fert doc! She went over all my labs, TTC & med history. She agrees w/my OB that given my age I shd get more aggressive with our TTC. But since my health is really good and the fact that i was able to get pg in Nov, she isn't pushing IVF yet. We're gonna try up to 3 cycles with Clomid at 100mg dosage. And we get to continue doing our home AI with our donors. That's exactly what we want!!! We're pretty excited about that! My Fert Doc told me to warn Jill that I'll probably be an emotional crazy woman during those clomid days. LOL. We're happy and really excited about this.
Oh... and big time bonus... if after 3 cycles on clomid I do not get my BFP we'll be going for IVF... which is COVERED under my insurance! YEAH BABY!!!!! Well... there's enough on my coverage to cover up to 3 cycles of clomid and AI and then 1 round of IVF.
Doing the happy dance!
Oh... and big time bonus... if after 3 cycles on clomid I do not get my BFP we'll be going for IVF... which is COVERED under my insurance! YEAH BABY!!!!! Well... there's enough on my coverage to cover up to 3 cycles of clomid and AI and then 1 round of IVF.
Doing the happy dance!
You know my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross are being crossed and I'm blowing tons of baby dust your way in hopes of that big BFP lady!!! Also, I loved all your pics and updates from your wedding and honeymoon!! Looks like you had a wonderful time and your wedding was a fantastic success!! :) Two thumbs up and get that BFP lady!!! :p
It won't be long before you're holding that sweet baby! How awesome that your ins covers IVF. That's unheard of nowadays! Go YOU!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>