OT: Rant about boys (positively TMI)
LMAO! Don't even get me started about the empty toilet paper rolls or the giant mound of bandaids in my son's shower .. you'd think they're making arts and crafts in there.
Holly - No. It wouldn't help. Daddy is just as bad. They are just gross!
And, YES, I said Butt Crumbs.
Holly - No. It wouldn't help. Daddy is just as bad. They are just gross!
And, YES, I said Butt Crumbs.

Proud Mom of Brantley Alexander, 6 1/2 years old .
"CoCo" November 2009,
July 2010
im about to adopt a 6 year old boy and im not sure whether to be highly ammused or scared ****less now lol. my family is all females and we only have 1 toilet in my house....yeah i think im a little of both. but thank you so much for this hilarious post, it made my day. if anyone is interested in adding me on facebook feel free... im under Tanya Taylar-Stanton. thanks for the giggle ladies.