God is TOOOOO good!!!!
I am so happy right now!! I have a friend who goes to my church who has been trying for years to get pregnant! Well she got her first positive ov test a couple weeks ago, and asked me to pray for her. And today she tells me she's preg!! AAAHHHH!!
There has been a group of couples in my church who have been trying to have babies and we have all had NO LUCK! And this has gone on for YEARS! One lady had 9 m/c and the one she is carrying now (a boy) is sticking nicely! After her God started sweeping His hand over our church in the area of babies. Every month since Feb a couple who had infertility issues has concieved! I am absoluted stunned and I feel so happy to be apart of what God is doing in our church!
I mean for us to go through this struggle for YEARS, and all of a sudden every single month one of us is getting pregnant?? You CAN'T say thats not God! Anyway I am SOOOOO excited for all of us, and there are two couples left who are struggling having children. I wonder who's gonna get preg next month!!?
**doing the happy dance**
It sure feels good to be involved in such a big wonder~
Shalom Friend

A lady in my Sunday School class was just awarded approval for adoption now she is going through the matching process. Another lady is about to pop, she is due like now! So, good things are around me too. It feels so neat~!
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com