15 weeks pregnant with spotting
I will be 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow and woke up today with spotting. It's not soiling my underware.....only get some brown blood when I wipe....but I'm concerned as I never had this before with my other 3 pregnancies and haven't done anything (sex, etc.) that might cause the spotting. Do you think I should call my doc about this? I would be way more concerned if it was bright red bleeding......Not sure what to do......
Call your dr. He will probably do an ultrasound to check everything out. If nothing else it will make you feel better. I had bleeding throughout my pregnancy too and I gave birth to a healthy 9lb 9oz baby boy. Sometimes the covering that protects the baby and your uterus get crossways with each other and causes bleeding. Its usually no big deal and will go away on its own. The fact that it is brown blood is a good sign. I know watching him squirm around on the u/s monitor was a huge relief!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
best thing you did was go to the doc. some women are RH- blood and with spotting may require a shot of rogam to prevent a miscarriage. rogam is not available at ever pharmacy because 1- it comes in a pre measured vile in large lots. not many women are RH- so the vials sit and expire. 2- the shot is about $150. and quite a few ins co. wont cover it. what i do when it that time during my pregnancy to get my shot, ( women who are RH- still have to get the shot later on during the pregnancy even if they are not spotting and after they give birth) i go to the emergency room, tell them that I'm spotting and stopped. they do a blood test find i am RH- and give me a shot of roam. and the ins. covers it. this is probably NOT your case, but felt that info should be put out to give people a heads up. you can search RH- and pregnancy. its a bit complicated for me to try to type as i am not a hematologist. i only know what i know from my own personal experience.
best of luck
best of luck
When i was 3 months pregnant with my son I was spotting bright red blood when I would wipe. Well i went to the ER and they had me there doing a couple of test. They called my gyno and told me to go in the next morning. Sure enough I went and my dr said that it was normal. That it was something dealing with my period....? He told me that i had nothing to worry about and now I have a perfectly healthy 11 month old boy :)