Interesting vaccine article...
Hey everyone...haven't been on in a while but I hope everyone is doing well!
Thought I would pass along this for thought!
CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme
Thought I would pass along this for thought!
CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme
Well, the money he stole (or was given in a roundabout way) was in the name of his research regarding the vaccines/autism link...the overarching theme is that his credibility is being called into question, which then calls his "research" into question. I don't necessarily agree, but it seems this author thinks the man was part of a conspiracy to conduct "research" to get results that were favorable to the no link between vaccines and autism. I don't know what to think about the issue, just thought it was interesting.
I really don't trust this site. It's a wall of ads, it's very lightweight as far as true science goes, and he even links heavily to a website that promotes Holocaust denial and says that shapeshifting lizard people run the world (seriously! It's and it's FOUL and Mike Adams of Natural News links to it regularly.) I don't deny fraud occurs in science, but it sounds like this guy was more of an embezzler than a *scientific* fraud. Now, if it's true, it could cast doubt on his honesty as a researcher, but he just might be a greedy putz.
If you want to talk fraud, Andrew Wakefield (the former doc who asserted that the MMR vax causes autism) is a major fraud and lost his medical license and all credibility due to his lies.
If you want to talk fraud, Andrew Wakefield (the former doc who asserted that the MMR vax causes autism) is a major fraud and lost his medical license and all credibility due to his lies.