Long time member...but new to this board.
Helly everyone!
Sorry this post is so long....I joined this website years ago and it was so helpful during my weightloss journey. I had a difficult time working through the insurance approval process and then found this site to be so helpful and supportive when it came to all my WLS questions and concerns. I am struggling now that I am pregnant and thought what better place to turn to than this site...
I will be 6 years RNY post op in August of this year. When I had RNY I weighed 280 and I am 5'8" inches tall in 18 months I had lost down to 135. The RNY worked great for me...I had NO complications and did really well. I put on a few pounds after getting married in Aug of 08 however I had been around 150 for the last three years or so. My health has been great, I eat well 80% of the time and don't excercise as much as I should but lead a pretty healthy lifestyle.
In December of this year my husband and I found out I was expecting....it was quite a surprise. I will be 41 in June and had the honor of becoming a bonus mom to my husband's daughters from a previous marriage when we got married. The girls are 3 and 6. My husband and I decided our lives were fulfiled and were not planning on having children....well life is full of the unexpected and my due date is July 20th for our little blue bundle of joy.
My pregnancy has been a breeze, not one day of morning sickness and only a few days of major fatigue here and there. I have had genetic testing and the chromosone study came back great.
My only issue is mental...and that is the weight gain. I am completely obsessed with this weight gain. I understand and accept that I must gain weight to nourish and grow this baby but I am just agonizing over gaining this weight. At 23 weeks I had gained a total of 15 pounds, while that seemed a little much I was okay. Today I had a check up at 27 weeks and I had gained 10 POUNDS since my last apt four weeks ago. That puts me at a toal of 25 pounds and have three months to go. My OB dr. is not concerned and said overall I am doing great. She also thinks I may be a little further along and is going to do a sonogram in three weeks to see if we may push up the EDD. I am just so worried that I will never get this weight off. It's so hard for me to lose and the older I get the harder it is....I have just been so focused on maintaining weight after my RNY it just kills me to see that scale.
Again, I am sorry for the length of this post...I just really needed to get all this out.
I gave birth to my one and only child in November. I was 126 when I got pregnant and 166 when I delivered. I lost the "baby weight" pretty quickly. And am currently about 120. (No secrets, just no time to eat!) Oh---I'll be 38 in July.
Just don't focus on the weight gain. After what we've been through - fighting obesity most of our lives, I know it's hard to see the scale go up, but it's a necessary evil at this point. Just think, you'll have the great summer weather to go for walks and play outside with your sweet boy! I had rotten winter months!!! :(
Best wishes!
RNY 08/16/05
Weight day of surgery 222
Lost 100 pounds in about 10 months
Pre-pregnancy weight 126
Delivery day weight 166
Currently 118
Baby Gage born 11/02/10
Yeah....being pregnant at 40 was a little scary. First of all, to say it was not planned is an understatement. I was on nuva ring, had an underactive thyroid (supposedly can cause infertility) and let's face it....my eggs are OLD!! LOL! Once hubby and I were over the shock we figured this was so MEANT to be...I mean so many women who struggle with infertility would love to be pregnant by accident so we are counting our blessings. Plus...I am a VERY young 40!!
The internet really scared me when it came to birth defects with moms over 35 so I was a nervous wreck, my husband did everything he could to help me relax however I insisted on the genetic testing and amnio...thankfully everything was good and now I am in "baking"mode. I am so excited to have a little boy.....I just can't wait.
Expecting my first - July 20th 2011
Hang in there...remind yourself daily that you are NOT fat...you are PREGNANT...and that it's all for your little boy.
Welcome, congrats - and I hope to see you around more often.
Best wishes.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled