Is it just as easy to lose the weight after baby?
i haven't had my baby yet still have 3 weeks to go but I'm having trouble gaining weight which is kind of crazy because well I eat what I want for the most part. I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and I've gained 20lbs. This whole pregnancy has been up and down I didn't gain anything for about 5 months then I gained 16lbs only to loose 5 within the next two weeks. Because I haven't gained much neither has she. I'm worried she may be a small baby she only weighed 4lbs at my last ultrasound and my dr. said most babies weigh 6lbs by then. Everyone says I'm so lucky not to have put on much weight but I would gain 100 if it meant she'd be healthy. I'm getting nervous but everything seems to be going the way it should I guess I'm just paranoid. Good Luck.
I had VSG in June 2010 got prego in September 2010 by unexpected. I was 190 when I got prego and I am 155 now.. So during the pregnancy I did lose weight and I have maintained 155 since Janurary. However, my baby is growing which means I have actually continued to lose a small amount the scale just doesnt show it because the baby is gaining. I think it will be easier for VSG patients to lose the weight because our pouch is soooooo tiny and when I eat I can still only eat a very very small amount.. Just be careful not to over do it and streatch out your pouch. Although, I don't think my stomach could ever streatch to the size it was pre op.
I had GBS Dec. of 2006. Lost over 200 pound. Got pregnant at 38 and gained 30 pounds. My son was born weighing 7 pounds 6 oz, vaginally, and is a chunker now LOL. I am still trying to lose the "baby" weight and he is 8 months old. Honestly I only really started paying attntion again mid-March. I found and installed the app on my phone and loved it from the get go. I have always been bad about loggin my intake and I knew the only way to get this off waws to count my calories, protein and carbs. I was still eatining like I was pregnant! Now that I am paying attention again I have lost 6 pounds in 6 weeks. But, I can is definitely not as easy as right after surgery! It is do-able....still have my TOOL so I just have to use it.